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PLT-1345 Simplify bappTermlem / bappTypelem (IntersectMBO#5216)
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The type of BApp is changed, so that bappLemmas can be simplified away.
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mjaskelioff authored and v0d1ch committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 3b379cc commit 1f73baf
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Showing 24 changed files with 802 additions and 2,040 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions plutus-metatheory/plutus-metatheory.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ library
Expand Down
44 changes: 7 additions & 37 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/Algorithmic.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ module Algorithmic where
## Imports

open import Data.List using (List;[];replicate;_++_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (length)

open import Utils hiding (TermCon)
open import Type using (Ctx⋆;∅;_,⋆_;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;Z;S;Φ)
Expand All @@ -17,19 +15,18 @@ open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_;_⊢Ne⋆_;weakenNf;renNf;embNf)
open _⊢Nf⋆_
open _⊢Ne⋆_

import Type.RenamingSubstitution as ⋆ using (Ren)
import Type.RenamingSubstitution as ⋆
open import Type.BetaNBE using (nf)
open import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution using (subNf;SubNf) renaming (_[_]Nf to _[_])
open import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution renaming (_[_]Nf to _[_])

open import Builtin using (Builtin;signature)
open Builtin.Builtin
open import Builtin.Signature using (Sig;sig;nat2Ctx⋆;fin2∈⋆)
open import Builtin using (Builtin)

open import Builtin.Constant.Term Ctx⋆ Kind * _⊢Nf⋆_ con using (TermCon)
open import Builtin.Constant.Type Ctx⋆ (_⊢Nf⋆ *) using (TyCon)
open TyCon

open Builtin.Signature.FromSig Ctx⋆ (_⊢Nf⋆ *) nat2Ctx⋆ (λ x → ne (` (fin2∈⋆ x))) con _⇒_ Π using (sig2type)
open import Algorithmic.Signature using (btype)


## Fixity declarations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +88,7 @@ data _∋_ : (Γ : Ctx Φ) → Φ ⊢Nf⋆ * → Set where
→ Γ ,⋆ K ∋ weakenNf A

Let `x`, `y` range over variables.

## Terms
Expand All @@ -100,12 +98,6 @@ an abstraction, an application, a type abstraction, or a type

btype : Builtin → Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *
btype b = subNf (λ()) (sig2type (signature b))

postulate btype-ren : ∀{Φ Ψ} b (ρ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ) → btype b ≡ renNf ρ (btype b)
postulate btype-sub : ∀{Φ Ψ} b (ρ : SubNf Φ Ψ) → btype b ≡ subNf ρ (btype b)

infixl 7 _·⋆_/_

data _⊢_ (Γ : Ctx Φ) : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ * → Set where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,26 +180,4 @@ conv⊢ : ∀ {Γ Γ'}{A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
→ Γ ⊢ A
→ Γ' ⊢ A'
conv⊢ refl refl t = t

Ctx2type : (Γ : Ctx Φ) → Φ ⊢Nf⋆ * → ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *
Ctx2type ∅ C = C
Ctx2type (Γ ,⋆ J) C = Ctx2type Γ (Π C)
Ctx2type (Γ , x) C = Ctx2type Γ (x ⇒ C)

data Arg : Set where
Term Type : Arg

Arity = List Arg

arity : Builtin → Arity
arity b with signature b
... | sig n ar _ = replicate n Type ++ replicate (length ar) Term


When signatures supported universal quantifiers to be interleaved with other
parameters it made sense for `Arity` to be defined as above. Now that we don't,
`Arity` should be rewritten to be two numbers (`n` and `length ar` above), representing
the number of quantifiers and the number of (term) parameters.
We keep `Arity` this way in order to make the current implementation works,
but it will be changed.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -645,17 +645,17 @@ unwindVE : ∀{A B C}(M : ∅ ⊢ A)(N : ∅ ⊢ B)(E : EC C B)(E' : EC B A)
unwindVE A B E E' refl VM VN with dissect E' | inspect dissect E'
... | inj₁ refl | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₁ E' refl eq rewrite uniqueVal A VM VN = base
... | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-ƛ M ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (V-ƛ M ·-) eq = ⊥-elim (lemVβ (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V-ƛ M ·-) A) VN)))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl VM VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) A) VN)) (β-sbuiltin b (deval (V-I⇒ b p x)) p x A VM))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl VM VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) A) VN)) (β-builtin b (deval (V-I⇒ b p x)) p x A VM))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl VM VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-I⇒ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p x ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) eq =
step* (trans (cong (λ E → stepV VM (dissect E)) (compEC'-extEC E E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-))) (cong (stepV VM) (dissect-lemma (compEC' E E'') (V-I⇒ b p x ·-)))) (unwindVE _ _ E E'' (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) A) (V-I b (bubble p) (step p x VM)) VN)
unwindVE .(Λ M) .(E' [ Λ M ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-Λ M) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ C) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-·⋆ C) eq = ⊥-elim (lemVβ⋆ (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-·⋆ C) (Λ M)) VN)))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ C) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-·⋆ C) eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-·⋆ C) A) VN)) (β-sbuiltin⋆ b A p x C refl))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ C) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-·⋆ C) eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-·⋆ C) A) VN)) (β-builtin⋆ b A p x C refl))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-IΠ b {as' = a ∷ as'} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ C) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-·⋆ C) eq =
step* (trans (cong (λ E → stepV _ (dissect E)) (compEC'-extEC E E'' (-·⋆ C))) (cong (stepV (V-IΠ b p x)) (dissect-lemma (compEC' E E'') (-·⋆ C)))) (unwindVE _ _ E E'' (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-·⋆ C) A) (V-I b (bubble p) (step⋆ p x refl)) VN)
... | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, wrap-) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' wrap- eq = step* (trans (cong (λ E → stepV VM (dissect E)) (compEC'-extEC E E'' wrap-)) (cong (stepV VM) (dissect-lemma (compEC' E E'') wrap-))) (unwindVE _ _ E E'' (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' wrap- A) (V-wrap VM) VN)
unwindVE .(wrap _ _ _) .(E' [ wrap _ _ _ ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-wrap VM) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, unwrap-) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' unwrap- eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' unwrap- (deval (V-wrap VM))) VN)) (β-wrap VM refl))
unwindVE .(ƛ M) .(E' [ ƛ M ]ᴱ) E E' refl (V-ƛ M) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (-· M')) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-· M') eq = ⊥-elim (lemVβ (lemVE (ƛ M · M') E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') (ƛ M)) VN)))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (-· M')) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-· M') eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) VN)) (β-sbuiltin b A p x M' (lemVE _ (extEC E'' (V ·-)) (subst Value (trans (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V ·-) M'))) VN))))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (-· M')) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-· M') eq = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E'' (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) VN)) (β-builtin b A p x M' (lemVE _ (extEC E'' (V ·-)) (subst Value (trans (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V ·-) M'))) VN))))
unwindVE A .(E' [ A ]ᴱ) E E' refl V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = a ∷ as'} p x) VN | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (-· M')) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E' E'' (-· M') eq = step* (trans (cong (λ E → stepV (V-I⇒ b p x) (dissect E)) (compEC'-extEC E E'' (-· M'))) (cong (stepV (V-I⇒ b p x)) (dissect-lemma (compEC' E E'') (-· M')))) (step** (lemV M' (lemVE M' (extEC E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-)) (subst Value (trans (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-) M'))) VN)) (extEC (compEC' E E'') (V-I⇒ b p x ·-))) (step* (cong (stepV _) (dissect-lemma (compEC' E E'') (V-I⇒ b p x ·-))) ((unwindVE (A · M') _ E E'' (extEC-[]ᴱ E'' (-· M') A) (V-I b (bubble p)
(step p x
(lemVE M' (extEC E'' (V-I⇒ b p x ·-))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ refocus E M V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p₁ x) E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, (-
... | done VEM =
⊥-elim (valredex (lemVE L E₁ (subst Value p VEM)) r)
... | step ¬VEM E₃ x₂ x₃ U rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (-· N) eq with U E₁ p r
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-· N) M) (β (β-sbuiltin b M p₁ x N VN))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (-· N) [] refl V (λ V → valred V (β-sbuiltin b M p₁ x N VN)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-· N) M))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-· N) M) (β (β-builtin b M p₁ x N VN))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (-· N) [] refl V (λ V → valred V (β-builtin b M p₁ x N VN)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-· N) M))
refocus E M (V-I⇒ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p₁ x) E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, (-· N)) | I[ eq ] | done VN rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (-· N) eq with refocus E₂ (M · N) (V-I b (bubble p₁) (step p₁ x VN)) E₁ L r (trans (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-· N) M)) p)
... | locate E₃ F E₄ x₂ x₃ x₄ E₅ x₅ = locate
Expand All @@ -766,8 +766,8 @@ refocus E M VM E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, (V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p₁ x)
⊥-elim (valredex (lemVE L E₁ (subst Value p VEM)) r)
... | step ¬VEM E₃ x₁ x₂ U rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (V ·-) eq
with U E₁ p r
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (V ·-) M) (β (β-sbuiltin b _ p₁ x M VM))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (V ·-) [] refl VM (λ V → valred V (β-sbuiltin b _ p₁ x M VM)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (V ·-) M))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (V ·-) M) (β (β-builtin b _ p₁ x M VM))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (V ·-) [] refl VM (λ V → valred V (β-builtin b _ p₁ x M VM)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (V ·-) M))
refocus E M VM E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, _·- {t = t} (V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = _ ∷ as'} p₁ x))) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (V ·-) eq with refocus E₂ (t · M) (V-I b (bubble p₁) (step p₁ x VM)) E₁ L r (trans (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (V ·-) M)) p)
... | locate E₃ F E₄ x₂ x₃ x₄ E₅ x₅ = locate
Expand All @@ -788,8 +788,8 @@ refocus E M V@(V-IΠ b {as' = []} p₁ x) E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, -·
... | done VEM =
⊥-elim (valredex (lemVE L E₁ (subst Value p VEM)) r)
... | step ¬VEM E₃ x₂ x₃ U rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (-·⋆ A) eq with U E₁ p r
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-·⋆ A) M) (β (β-sbuiltin⋆ b M p₁ x A refl))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (-·⋆ A) [] refl V (λ V → valred V (β-sbuiltin⋆ b M p₁ x A refl)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-·⋆ A) M))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E₂ (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-·⋆ A) M) (β (β-builtin⋆ b M p₁ x A refl))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl = locate E₂ (-·⋆ A) [] refl V (λ V → valred V (β-builtin⋆ b M p₁ x A refl)) [] (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-·⋆ A) M))
refocus E M (V-IΠ b {as' = _ ∷ as'} p₁ x) E₁ L r p | inj₂ (_ ,, E₂ ,, -·⋆ A) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E₂ (-·⋆ A) eq with refocus E₂ (M ·⋆ A / refl) (V-I b (bubble p₁) (step⋆ p₁ x refl)) E₁ L r (trans (sym (extEC-[]ᴱ E₂ (-·⋆ A) M)) p)
... | locate E₃ F E₄ x₂ x₃ x₄ E₅ x₅ = locate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -829,15 +829,15 @@ lem-→s⋆ E (β-wrap V refl) = step*
(step** (lemV _ (V-wrap V) (extEC E unwrap-))
(step* (cong (stepV (V-wrap V)) (dissect-lemma E unwrap-))
lem-→s⋆ E (β-sbuiltin b t p bt u vu) with bappTermLem b t p bt
lem-→s⋆ E (β-builtin b t p bt u vu) with bappTermLem b t p bt
... | _ ,, _ ,, refl = step*
(step** (lemV t (V-I⇒ b p bt) (extEC E (-· u)))
(step* (cong (stepV (V-I⇒ b p bt)) (dissect-lemma E (-· u)))
(step** (lemV u vu (extEC E (V-I⇒ b p bt ·-)))
(step* (cong (stepV vu) (dissect-lemma E (V-I⇒ b p bt ·-)))
lem-→s⋆ E (β-sbuiltin⋆ b t p bt A refl) with bappTypeLem b t p bt
lem-→s⋆ E (β-builtin⋆ b t p bt A refl) with bappTypeLem b t p bt
... | _ ,, _ ,, refl = step*
(step** (lemV t (V-IΠ b p bt) (extEC E (-·⋆ A)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -880,10 +880,10 @@ lemmaF' .(ƛ M) (-· N) E E' L _ (V-ƛ M) (β-ƛ _) ¬VFM x₁ | done VN | step
(step* (cong (stepV VN) (dissect-lemma E (V-ƛ M ·-))) (subst (λ E' → (E ▻ (M [ N ])) -→s (E' ▻ (M [ N ]))) x base)))
lemmaF' M (-· N) E E' L L' V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x) r ¬VFM x₁ | done VN with rlemma51! (extEC E (-· N) [ M ]ᴱ)
... | done VMN = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-· N) M) VMN)) (β-sbuiltin b M p x N VN))
... | step ¬VMN E₁ x₃ x₄ U with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-· N) M) (β (β-sbuiltin b M p x N VN))
... | done VMN = ⊥-elim (valred (lemVE _ E (subst Value (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-· N) M) VMN)) (β-builtin b M p x N VN))
... | step ¬VMN E₁ x₃ x₄ U with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-· N) M) (β (β-builtin b M p x N VN))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U (compEC' E E') x₁ (β r)
lemmaF' M (-· N) E E' .(M · N) _ V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x) (β-sbuiltin b₁ .M p₁ bt .N vu) ¬VFM x₁ | done VN | step ¬VMN E x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl with uniqueVal N VN vu | uniqueVal M V (V-I⇒ b₁ p₁ bt)
lemmaF' M (-· N) E E' .(M · N) _ V@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x) (β-builtin b₁ .M p₁ bt .N vu) ¬VFM x₁ | done VN | step ¬VMN E x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl with uniqueVal N VN vu | uniqueVal M V (V-I⇒ b₁ p₁ bt)
... | refl | refl = step*
(cong (stepV V) (dissect-lemma E (-· N)))
(step** (lemV N VN (extEC E (V ·-)))
Expand All @@ -897,9 +897,9 @@ lemmaF' M (V-ƛ M₁ ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VƛM₁M E₁ x₃ x
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (V-ƛ M₁ ·-) M) (β (β-ƛ V))
lemmaF' M (V-ƛ M₁ ·-) E E' L L' V (β-ƛ _) x₁ x₂ | step ¬VƛM₁M E₁ x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl = step* (cong (stepV V) (dissect-lemma E (V-ƛ M₁ ·-))) ((subst (λ E' → (E ▻ _) -→s (E' ▻ _)) (sym q) base))
lemmaF' M (V-I⇒ b {as' = x₇ ∷ as'} p x₃ ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VNM E₁ x₄ x₅ x₆ = ⊥-elim (x₁ (V-I b (bubble p) (step p x₃ V)))
lemmaF' M (VN@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x₃) ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VNM E₁ x₄ x₅ U with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (VN ·-) M) (β (β-sbuiltin b _ p x₃ M V))
lemmaF' M (VN@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x₃) ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VNM E₁ x₄ x₅ U with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (VN ·-) M) (β (β-builtin b _ p x₃ M V))
... | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U (compEC' E E') x₂ (β x)
lemmaF' M (VN@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x₃) ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VNM E₁ x₄ x₅ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl rewrite determinism⋆ x (β-sbuiltin b _ p x₃ M V) = step*
lemmaF' M (VN@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p x₃) ·-) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VNM E₁ x₄ x₅ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl rewrite determinism⋆ x (β-builtin b _ p x₃ M V) = step*
(cong (stepV V) (dissect-lemma E (VN ·-)))
(subst (λ E' → (E ▻ _) -→s (E' ▻ _)) q base)
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' V x x₁ x₂ with rlemma51! (extEC E (-·⋆ A) [ M ]ᴱ)
Expand All @@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ lemmaF' .(Λ M) (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' (V-Λ M) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(co
lemmaF' .(Λ M) (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' (V-Λ M) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl rewrite determinism⋆ x (β-Λ refl) = step*
(cong (stepV (V-Λ M)) (dissect-lemma E (-·⋆ A)))
(subst (λ E' → (E ▻ _) -→s (E' ▻ _)) (sym q) base)
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' (V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x₅) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-·⋆ A) M) (β (β-sbuiltin⋆ b M p x₅ A refl))
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' VM@(V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x₅) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl rewrite determinism⋆ x (β-sbuiltin⋆ b M p x₅ A refl) = step*
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' (V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x₅) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl with U E (extEC-[]ᴱ E (-·⋆ A) M) (β (β-builtin⋆ b M p x₅ A refl))
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' VM@(V-IΠ b {as' = []} p x₅) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl | refl ,, q ,, refl rewrite determinism⋆ x (β-builtin⋆ b M p x₅ A refl) = step*
(cong (stepV VM) (dissect-lemma E (-·⋆ A)))
(subst (λ E' → (E ▻ _) -→s (E' ▻ _)) (sym q) base)
lemmaF' M (-·⋆ A) E E' L L' (V-IΠ b {as' = x₆ ∷ as'} p x₅) x x₁ x₂ | step ¬VM·⋆A .(compEC' E E') x₃ x₄ U | refl ,, refl ,, refl = ⊥-elim (x₁ (V-I b (bubble p) (step⋆ p x₅ refl)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ thm1bV M W M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, (V-ƛ M₁ ·-)) | I[
(ruleEC E' (β-ƛ W) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (V-ƛ M₁ ·-) M)) refl)
(thm1b (M₁ [ M ]) _ E' refl N V q)
thm1bV M W M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, (VI@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p₁ x₁) ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E' (VI ·-) eq = trans—↠
(ruleEC E' (β-sbuiltin b _ p₁ x₁ M W) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (VI ·-) M)) refl)
(ruleEC E' (β-builtin b _ p₁ x₁ M W) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (VI ·-) M)) refl)
(thm1b (BUILTIN' b (bubble p₁) (step p₁ x₁ W)) _ E' refl N V q)
thm1bV M W M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, (VI@(V-I⇒ b {as' = x₂ ∷ as'} p₁ x₁) ·-)) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E' (VI ·-) eq =
thm1bV (_ · M)
Expand All @@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ thm1bV M W M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, (VI@(V-I⇒ b {as' = x
thm1bV .(Λ M) (V-Λ M) M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, -·⋆ A) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E' (-·⋆ A) eq = trans—↠ (ruleEC E' (β-Λ refl) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (-·⋆ A) (Λ M))) refl) (thm1b (M [ A ]⋆) _ E' refl N V q)
thm1bV M (V-IΠ b {as' = []} p₁ x₁) M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, -·⋆ A) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E' (-·⋆ A) eq = trans—↠
(ruleEC E' (β-sbuiltin⋆ b _ p₁ x₁ A refl) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (-·⋆ A) M)) refl)
(ruleEC E' (β-builtin⋆ b _ p₁ x₁ A refl) (trans p (extEC-[]ᴱ E' (-·⋆ A) M)) refl)
(thm1b (BUILTIN' b (bubble p₁) (step⋆ p₁ x₁ refl)) _ E' refl N V q)
thm1bV M (V-IΠ b {as' = x₂ ∷ as'} p₁ x₁) M' E p N V (step* refl q) | inj₂ (_ ,, E' ,, -·⋆ A) | I[ eq ] rewrite dissect-inj₂ E E' (-·⋆ A) eq =
thm1bV (M ·⋆ A / refl)
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