reply-to address to emails, using tenant contact email address (system settings)
block email addresses after multiple failed login attempts
buttons to reset forms
validation for tenant database urls, when creating or updating a tenant
role based navigation bar
cached version of guardian validation
admin roles to the detail page and grant/revoke role to edit page
added session expiration
rules page in settings
filter by no-show count
filter by empty / non-empty fields
WYSIWYG editor for location description
allow mailing to start now with checkbox
added stronger password policy
tenant description, icon and styles are optional
refactor and update guardian integration and middleware
using uuids instead of ids as foreign keys in invitations and mailings tables
using uuids instead of ids as foreign keys in assignment table
when signing up for a session with follow-ups, the contact receives one confirmation message containing all sessions
allow contacts to resignup after session cancellation
updated session close view and assignments to store no-shows instead of show-ups
switch dependency between assignment and session
allow assignments to be marked as deleted
migrate search endpoints (experiment/location)
improved cookie settings
improve experiment waiting list for already assigned contacts
contact specific counters for number of invitations, show-ups, no-shows and participated experiments
allow reminders to be sent more than 24h in advance
improve error log and exceptions
filter by boolean fields
custom fields with the option 'admin_view_only' will automatically have 'admin_input_only' set to true
partial update of 'admin_view_only' fields
when cancelling an assignment, assignments of the same contact to follow-up sessions will be canceled as well
canceled assignments are not included in assignment count anymore
canceled assignments are no longer shown on the contact dashboard
do not include canceled assignments in session assignment_count
when cancelling a session, follow-up sessions to the session are canceled as well
use specific tenant settings command effects
access middleware for mailing search info and system settings
wrong location on session duplication
several small UI adjustments
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