-- a nice way to visualize howmany classes there are, their inheritance, etc.
This is only possible by the virtues of foam. foam.debug.showCreates() (OR: foam.used) shows a list of classes that has being generated so far. (object of interest).model_.extends (and other attributes) shows inheritance and other important information.
The data is gotten from the FOAM sweeper demo, understandably, most of the elements (visual elements) are sweeper cells.
- in radial view, allow the option of ignoring count. (same size slices regardless of class object count)
- switch between partition view and radial tidy tree
- in radio tidy tree, use color to indicate usage.
- let user decide color -> class number.
- mouseover shows class number
FOAM and d3.js. examples: http://bl.ocks.org/metmajer/5480307 https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063550
- FOAM2 Javascript Framework
- D3
- List-To-Tree
- JavaScript ES6
- HTML5 Canvas Element