Scripts of inspect volume-of-interest files created by spamalize, and convert them into NIFTI images.
Requires nibabel and, hence, numpy. Should work with python 2.6 and 2.7; 3.0 is not tested yet.
This is ancient and may not work. Use at your own risk!
python install
After some testing, I'll put this up on pypi.
voi2nii [options] <datafile>
Convert a spamalize .voi file into a set of nifti files.
This program will produce one .nii file per VOI in a VOI group (.voi) file;
the name will be determined by the --pattern parameter.
voi2nii [options] <datafile>
voi2nii -h | --help
--pattern=<pat> How to name the output. Surround fields in {}.
Available fields:
base_name The name of the file the VOI group is
based on
cur_name The current name of the VOI group file
voi_number The index of this VOI
voxel_count The number of voxels in the VOI
voi_name The name of this VOI
[default: {cur_name}-{voi_name}-{voi_number}.nii]
--voi-numbers=<nums> The indexes (starting from 1) of the VOIs to convert.
Separate with commas. If not specified, converts all
--out-dir=<dir> Directory to write the output files [default: .]
-h --help Show this screen
--version Show version
-v --verbose Display debugging information
voi_info [options] <datafile>
Print information about a spamalize .voi file.
voi_info [options] <datafile>
voi_info -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen
--version Show version
-v --verbose Display debugging information
Spamalize is written in IDL; its arrays are in fortran data order. Orientation and origin information are not included in .voi files; voi2nii writes in RAI orientation with the origin at the center of the volume.
Spamalize was developed by the most skilled and fantastic Terry Oakes.
voi_tools ships with the excellent docopt and ordereddict libraries.
docopt is copyright © 2013 Vladimir Keleshev, [email protected]
ordereddict is copyright © 2009 Raymond Hettinger