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Releases: uw-windc/windc_build

WiNDC 4.0.0

09 Oct 17:40
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What's Changed

This update has a large number of changes.

Major Changes:

  1. The Base Year has been updated to 2021
  2. Addition of a the new module GTAPWiNDC, which integrates GTAP data with the WiNDC database.
  3. Temporary removal of the Bluenote module. This is has been moved to a development branch bluenote_update

Minor Changes:


  1. Replaced the Commodity Flow Survey data in core with the Freight Analysis Framework
  2. Huber is now an optional build parameter.


  1. Datafiles are generated and saved by year rather than combining all years into a single dataset.
  2. The dynamic models have been disabled, they are under active development.


This is an entirely new Module. Refer to the documentation.


Documentation is now hosted directly on GitHub. This allows for faster and more reliable updates. Each module includes a discussion, detailed filed listing, and full set/parameter listings.

Merged Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.1...v4.0.0

WiNDC 3.1

22 Jun 17:50
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This is a major release, released on June 22, 2022.

We would like to thank all of our users who reported problems, made suggestions and contributed to this release. In particular we thank Erwin Corong, Alla Golub, Andrew Schreiber, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe.

  1. We introduce the new GTAP-WiNDC module that links the database of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) and a version of the WiNDC database that is disaggregated by consumer accounts (households). The GTAP database is a global database that describes bilateral trade patterns, production, consumption and intermediate use of commodities and services. We use the current version of the GTAP database (version 10), reference year 2014.
    The code of the new GTAP-WiNDC module is in the directories gtap and gtapaggr.
    The GAMS code in the directory gtap links an aggregated version of the GTAP database with 10 economic sectors and 11 regions to the two WiNDC datasets WiNDC_cps_static_gtap_10_state.gdx and WiNDC_soi_static_gtap_10_state.gdx. These two files are generated in the WiNDC household module. If you run the GAMS file run.gms, the output data sets are stored in the directory datasets, subdiretcory gtapwindc.
    We also provide GAMS code for the canonical GTAP-WiNDC model and for a tariff quota simulations with the GTAP-WiNDC model.
    The GAMS code in the directory gtapaggr demonstrates how we created the aggregated version of the GTAP database from the full GTAPinGAMS GTAP database. Users with a valid GTAP license may use this code to create customized aggregations of the GTAP database for their particular modeling needs.
  2. We updated the calibration routine in the core WiNDC buildstream. We fixed the exports in the file calibrate.gms. This update entails changes in the core WiNDC database. Note that there are no updates to the source data (windc_base.gdx). Currently our latest base year is 2017. We plan to update the source data in the next release.
  3. We updated the economic sector aggregation to GTAP sectors in the household buildstream. We now offer the option to aggregate to 10 or 32 GTAP sectors, so there are two GTAP related mapping files in the subdirectory maps: and
  4. There are no updates in energy-environment module Bluenote.
  5. The code for an updated version of GTAP10inGAMS is now available for download. See the file readme.txt for details. Please note that the code in this directory runs only on Windows.

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.1

WiNDC 3.0.3

07 Feb 17:05
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This is a minor release, released on February 7, 2022.

We would like to thank Andrew Schreiber who contributed to this release.

  1. We fixed a bug in the calibration routine (calibrate.gms) in the directory core. This changes the margins and affects all values in the core WiNDC database (WiNDCdatabase.gdx).

WiNDC 3.0.2

17 Nov 16:53
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This is a minor release, released on November 17, 2021.

We would like to thank Andrew Schreiber who contributed to this release.

  1. We added household income data (CPS and SOI) for the year 2014 to the household buildstream. Econmic data on the state level with disaggregated consumer accounts is now available for the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  2. Bluenote, the energy-environment buildstream, now generates data on the state level with disaggregated consumer accounts for the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

WiNDC 3.0.1

22 Oct 14:44
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This is a minor release, released on October 21, 2021.

We would like to thank all of our users who reported problems, made suggestions and contributed to this release. In particular we thank Edward Balistreri, Max Brown, Adam Christensen, Katie Daenzer, Dave Evans, Alex Marten, Jim McFarland, Andrew Schreiber, Ann Wolverton and Jared Woollacott.

  1. We updated the file mcpmodel.gms in the core build (directory core). The MCP implementation of the core WiNDC model now makes extensive use of macros. Thus the formulation became cleaner and clearer.
  2. We added a static model (static_model.gms) and a dynamic model (dynamic_model.gms) to the household build (directory household). These models are used to verify that they are calibrated given one of the static or dynamic household data sets respectively.
  3. We added the directory loadpoint to the core build (directory core). These loadpoint gdx files make the build much faster.
  4. There was no data update. The core WiNDC database did not change.

WiNDC 3.0

11 Jun 15:40
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This is a major release, released on June 7, 2021.

  1. We restructured, updated and extended the WiNDC code. The WiNDC buildstream directory now has three subdirectories: core for the core WiNDC buildstream that generates the core WiNDC database, household for the WiNDC household buildstream that generates subnational datasets with disaggregated consumer accounts and bluenote that incorporates energy-environment satellite data from the State Energy Data System (SEDS) to the WiNDC household datasets.
  2. We updated the calibration routine in the core WiNDC buildstream. We dropped the two adjustment economic sectors use (scrap, used and secondhand goods) and oth (noncomparable imports and rest-of-the-world adjustment). This update entails changes in the core WiNDC database. See also the core WiNDC buildstream documentation. Note that there are no updates to the source data (windc_base.gdx).
  3. We introduce the WiNDC household buildstream. The WiNDC household buildstream is an extension to the core WiNDC buildstream that offers data and routines for disaggregating WiNDC consumer accounts by income group. For further details, see the WiNDC household buildstream documentation.
  4. The energy-environment module Bluenote is now located in its own directory and is based on the WiNDC household datasets. We also added wood and other electricity generation to SEDS for recalibration, included electricity inputs, refined oil and gas separation, enforced energy totals in consumer demand and added margins for electricity. See also the comments at the top of the file bluenote.gms and the Bluenote buildstream documentation.
  5. Note that the agricultural module NASS is not part of this release. We will include updated code for the agricutural module in the next release. If you need agricutural datatsets in the context of WiNDC, please refer to WiNDC 2.1.

WiNDC 2.1

11 Jun 15:36
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This is a major release, released on July 17, 2020.

  1. Multisectroral subnational data is now available for the years 1997 to 2017.
  2. The NASS module now has data for 2017.
  3. The file disagg.gms does not require the command line parameter year any more.
  4. To recalibrate the disaggregated NASS dataset, the correct command is now:
    gams recalibrate.gms --aggr=nass --year=2017 [--neos=yes]
    The command line parameter year can take the values 2012 and 2017.

See also the updated documentation for the WiNDC buildstream and the WiNDC data system.

WiNDC 2.0.1

11 Jun 15:31
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This is a minor release, released on July 17, 2020.

  1. The datastream has been replaced by the WiNDC data system. The WiNDC data system has been implemented as the Python package windc_data. Users can now choose the WiNDC version of which they wish to inspect data. The windc_data system also facilitates comparing data and including customized data.
  2. All data between 1997 and 2017 was updated based on data that was accessed in June 2020.

WiNDC 2.0

10 Jun 20:39
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This is a major release, released August 21, 2019.

  1. Multisectroral subnational data is now available for the years 1997 to 2016.
  2. Users who don't have access to a GAMS license including needed solver licenses, can generate the core WiNDC database and data for the modules (blueNOTE and NASS) locally using NEOS. For more information, see the buildstream documentation.
  3. The pre-compiled core WiNDC database is available in GDX and JSON format.
  4. We completely overhauled the data stream. We collect data from various government agencies and convert them to a GAMS readable format that serves as input for the WiNDC build. This process is now modular and transparent so that users can engage deeply with the data. For details, see Getting Started: WiNDC 2.0 Data Stream.
  5. The data sources are now also available in SQL format.
  6. For the first time we offer visualizations of GDP, carbon emissions and carbon intensities to showcase a small part of the data. For example, see this choropleth map.

WiNDC 1.0

10 Jun 20:26
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This is the first version of the datasets and modeling environment provided by the Wisconsin National Data Consortium (WiNDC), released in December 2018. This version was released in December 2018. For details about this version, see the documentation.