🚀 A tutorial that can dive into deep learning quickly.
- 《深度学习入门》 最好的一本入门书籍。
- 《动手学深度学习》 面向中文读者的能运行、可讨论的深度学习教科书,强烈推荐!
- Deep Learning Papers Translation(CV) 计算机视觉领域的经典论文,推荐每篇都读一读。
- PyTorch-book 国人写的书,已更新到最新PyTorch0.4.1版本,目前正在迁移至1.0
- PyTorch中文网 寻找学习资源用
- PyTorch-tutorial PyTorch代码实践,里面的例子都很简单明了
- PyTorch-kaggle-starter PyTorch的Kaggle教程,用jupyter写的
- TensorBoardX PyTorch的TensorBoard
- Natural Language Processing, by Michael Collins, Columbia University | 相关讲义
- CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
git clone https://github.com/afish1001/deeplearning-fast-tutorial.git
git checkout -b branch_name
# after you edit something...
git status
git add .
git commit -m "[add] deeplearning tutorial" # or "[update]/[del]/..."
git push origin branch_name
# then you can go to the web-site to create a pull requests, wait for someone to review your code.