A MATLAB class that adds units and uncertainty propagation to variables.
This repo provides a MATLAB class called v
(for variable) that allows units and an uncertainty to be associated with a variable.
Try these commands out to start:
% list supported units
% make a new v
x = v(1, 'ft')
% convert to inches
x = x.convertTo('in')
% add with scalars and other v's
x = x + 10 + v(1, 'cm')
% try something silly (throw a "not dimensionally equivalent" error)
x + v(1, 'N')
% break down into fundamental units
v(1, 'N').convertToFundamentals()
% reduce dimensionally equivalent units to one unit type
v(1, 'm*ft').simplifyUnits()
- Check out the repo
- use addpath to automatically include v.m
- run
help v
to learn how to use the class
- listUnits() - (Static) lists the supported v units
- dimensionallyEquivalent(v, v) - (Static) returns true/1 or false/0
- v(number, 'unit string', uncertainty) - constructs a v
- convertTo('unit string') - returns a new v of equivilant magnitude
- extract('unit string') - returns a v's value after converting it to the given unit string
- convertToFundamentals() - returns a new v in fundamental units
- simplifyUnits() - returns a v with only one unit per dimension
- checkDimension('dimension character')