This lab will give you practice with for __ in range(__):
and style loops. Open up, where the challenges are written as python comments. Run the code after each new loop you write to see if your code works as intended.
Python can be used to make mathematical tasks much less... well... mathy. Use for
loops to compute some of these math challenges without having to add hundreds of numbers by hand.
Loops in python allow us to automate processes that would be tedious and exhausting otherwise.
Without loops, printing 100 different numbers would take 100 lines of code. With loops, we can do it in 2 lines of code. More impressively, we can bump that number up to 10,000, or even into the millions and billions without having to add extra lines of code.
Open up the file, and try to complete each of the for ___ in range(___):
loops described there.
Here's the easiest answer for problem 1:
for i in range(101):
This method will also print the zero, which is fine, but not technically what the challenge asked for. So remember that range can also take TWO arguments - a start and an end. You could refine your answer this way:
for i in range(0, 101):
Each of the challenges can be done in at least two ways, and some can be done in as many as 10 ways, so as long as your output meets the criteria for each problem, you're doing great!
There are stretch activities built right into this lab.