Nodejs server that implements an API for the webtut-frontend.
to install run
npm install
Create the "config.js" based on "config-dist.js" file and update the variables:
var config = {
environment : process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
serverHostName: "{{ host }}",
serverPort: {{ port }}
httpsKey: "keys/{{ key file }}",
httpsCrt: "keys/{{crt file }}"
peerJSPath : "/webtut",
database: {
hostname: '{{ db_hostname }}',
port: {{ db_port }},
user: '{{ db_user }}',
password: '{{ db_pass }}',
database: 'webtut'
mail : {
from : 'WebTUT Server <webtut@{{ host }}>' // sender address
node server.js &
To configure as a service, check out the utils folder.