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mika edited this page Feb 1, 2021 · 25 revisions


Android pointsize doesnt work?

Adjusting android material(shader) pointsize is not visible in the editor, only in builds.
If start unity with commandline params: -force-glgore or -force-gles, then it might work in editor too.

Large las file gets splitted into different axis groupings

Delete scalars in CloudCompare (forum post)

Error message when converting LAS file

"LAS Import might fail - only pointDataRecordFormat #2 & #3 are supported (Your file is 0)" Its unknown las format, you need to open it in CloudCompare (or other external tools), then save as LAS 1.3/1.4 format.

Error message when importing plugin to project

"Assets\PointCloudTools\PointCloudViewerDX11\Scripts\PointCloudViewerTilesDX11.cs(1025,28): error CS0227: Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe. Enable "Allow 'unsafe' code" in Player Settings to fix this error."

Need to enable [x] Allow 'unsafe' Code in Project/Player settings

Error message when loading .bin file

filename.bin cannot be opened with ReadAllBytes(), it might be too large >2gb UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object)

Limitation in the readallbytes, but in the next update (around summer 2019) can load these larger files too.

My .CGO format data conversion has some problems

Check if your data uses commas instead of dots (only dots are supported)

// bad data
683,099976 880,200012 5544,700195
704,700012 879,400024 5538,500000

// good data
683.099976 880.200012 5544.700195
704.700012 879.400024 5538.500000

Cannot see points

  • If you are using DX12 mode, its not supported in most shaders