fix(ibc-union): normalize event name, extend creation with counterparty chain-id #3488
Garnix CI / check devnet-eth-runs [x86_64-linux]
Jan 11, 2025 in 47s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.655206] 222e7a325a5d[936]: �[2m2025-01-11T17:56:49.840844Z�[0m �[32m INFO�[0m �[2mstats_server::update_service�[0m�[2m:�[0m scheduled next run of chart update in 1990.159168576s �[3mchart�[0m�[2m=�[0m"totalVerifiedContracts"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.659559] 222e7a325a5d[936]: �[2m2025-01-11T17:56:49.841218Z�[0m �[32m INFO�[0m �[2mstats_server::update_service�[0m�[2m:�[0m scheduled next run of chart update in 28990.15879283s �[3mchart�[0m�[2m=�[0m"txnsGrowth"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.665424] 222e7a325a5d[936]: �[2m2025-01-11T17:56:49.842616Z�[0m �[32m INFO�[0m �[2mstats_server::update_service�[0m�[2m:�[0m scheduled next run of chart update in 3790.157396843s �[3mchart�[0m�[2m=�[0m"txnsSuccessRate"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.670189] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.670485] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 🌀 Checking environment variables and their placeholders congruity...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.673379] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 👍 All good!�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.673777] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.677519] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 🌀 Validating ENV variables values...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.679238] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 👍 All good!�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.679649] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.679930] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 🌀 Generating favicons bundle...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.685381] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 🛑 Error: MASTER_URL variable is not provided.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.688506] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 👎 Unable to generate favicons bundle.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.690511] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.692055] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 🌀 Creating client script with ENV values...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.693555] b2bc737eadfb[936]: ✅ Done.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.696586] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.697410] b2bc737eadfb[936]: 📋 Here is the list of the features enabled for the running instance.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.701202] b2bc737eadfb[936]: To adjust their configuration, please refer to the documentation -�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.705379] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.707156] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] My account�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.709331] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Address verification in "My account"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.712576] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Banner ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.715424] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Text ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.716159] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Beacon chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.716947] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Bridged tokens�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.720945] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Blockchain interaction (writing to contract, etc.)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.723690] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Export data to CSV file�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.726611] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Data availability�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.728554] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Gas tracker�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.730033] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Google analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.731276] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] GraphQL API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.735045] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] GrowthBook feature flagging and A/B testing�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.737915] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Marketplace�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.740037] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] MetaSuites extension�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.740480] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Mixpanel analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.742869] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Name service integration�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.743384] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] REST API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.744737] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Rollup (L2) chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.748296] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Safe address tags�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.749261] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Sentry error monitoring�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.751893] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Solidity to UML diagrams�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.754760] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Blockchain statistics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.756186] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] SUAVE chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.757077] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Swap button�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.761361] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Transaction interpretation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.761945] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] User operations�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.764824] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Validators list�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.765636] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [ ] Verified tokens info�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.770174] b2bc737eadfb[936]: [v] Web3 wallet integration (add token or network to the wallet)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.771030] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.771425] b2bc737eadfb[936]: Starting Next.js application�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 198.774053] a3837e8be031[936]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-11|17:56:52.369] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m=1.225016ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.024470] dhcpcd[720]: veth3e10474: soliciting a DHCP lease�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.040339] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-3d69afa934f0bdc9610c122e8af478477a3dff8c7c2d8d874bb810eca4d7b264-runc.HL9NDC.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.404769] b2bc737eadfb[936]: �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.405636] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.408597] b2bc737eadfb[936]: - Local: http://b2bc737eadfb:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.409171] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Local: http://b2bc737eadfb:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.410874] b2bc737eadfb[936]: - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.411417] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.412851] b2bc737eadfb[936]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.413170] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 |�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.417579] b2bc737eadfb[936]: �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1560ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 199.418080] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1560ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 201.381233] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/2 1.607[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 201.382441] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 1.607[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 201.691549] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-092c04988d82fd84400879ffae55c18b34d61c1b661d2bfb7bc75d5c81825ad0-runc.wUfbJa.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 202.386314] dhcpcd[720]: veth94ce5ef: no IPv6 Routers available�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 202.483994] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-4ab4397de27bd04da49abc753b0658b8b69ba5133096838f3c677061c4a92cba-runc.R7Ieh1.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 203.305727] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-a3837e8be03128ba9fb3f35ca8ce7a013788e504a37734099927486d5fd5bb09-runc.bmRcOm.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 203.407564] a3837e8be031[936]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-11|17:56:57.637] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="146.387µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 203.408822] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-geth-1 | �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-11|17:56:57.637] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="146.387µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.360164] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/2 4.588[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.361328] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 4.588[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.394430] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-3d69afa934f0bdc9610c122e8af478477a3dff8c7c2d8d874bb810eca4d7b264-runc.uXLbTX.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.474639] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/2 4.696[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.476444] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 4.696[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.879616] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/2 4.608[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8, initialENR=enr:-IO4QMOMbZi6BNhKE_Rmukybg5mrW1SwR-FCHZDmpSD3GsbdEZHbAAP5TgQunXrgv_X3owoB32_4ELEB7jxo28MbcbMBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaECl5zLqip4LAcVLQAHxOVsvofJSLPLVBAVWFZdeZzY2jeDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 204.881816] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 4.608[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAm5dWDKJw2RG16G2HfcJoDKNxBjj9w1TCNjSAHvWweFsd8, initialENR=enr:-IO4QMOMbZi6BNhKE_Rmukybg5mrW1SwR-FCHZDmpSD3GsbdEZHbAAP5TgQunXrgv_X3owoB32_4ELEB7jxo28MbcbMBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaECl5zLqip4LAcVLQAHxOVsvofJSLPLVBAVWFZdeZzY2jeDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.808249] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.034[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.809283] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.034[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.829265] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.055[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.830353] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.055[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.839255] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.069[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0x3bc7…1098 - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.840469] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.069[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0x3bc7…1098 - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
(finished: waiting for Synced - slot: [1-9][0-9]* to appear on console, in 25.40 seconds)
(finished: run the VM test script, in 206.25 seconds)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.883728] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.113[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.885586] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.113[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.891730] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.120[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-db�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.894761] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.120[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-db�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.905902] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.134[] �[32minfo�[39m: 128 local keystores�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.913854] 3d69afa934f0[936]: Eph 0/3 0.134[] �[32minfo�[39m: 128 local keystores�[0m
test script finished in 206.30s
kill machine (pid 6)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 205.929692] arion-devnet-eth-start[3454]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.139[] �[32minfo�[39m: 0xa99a76ed7796f7be22d5b7e85deeb7c5677e88e511e0b337618f8c4eb61349b4bf2d153f649f7b53359fe8b94a38e44cqemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 4 (/nix/store/6qk2ybm2yx2dxmx9h4dikr1shjhhbpfr-python3-3.10.11/bin/python3.10)�[0m
(finished: cleanup, in 0.07 seconds)
kill vlan (pid 5)