This is a customized fork of mpataki/ansible-ha-mosquitto
- Let's Encrypt does not work on first run; it returns non-zero
- restart of mosquitto is not reliable
- letsencrypt needs to work with staging env
This ansible role installs and configures a Mosquitto MQTT broker. It exposes a server on port 8883 with TLS encryption which can be exposed to the internet, and another on 1883 without encryption intended for use only within your home's network.
What this role doesn't (currently) do is setup MQTT level user credentials.
Really this should work on any debian based system, but has been tested on a Raspberry Pi running Hassbian.
- Ex.
- This is the domain name where your pi can be reached from the internet.
- Ex.
- ha-letsencrypt for SSL. This can be installed via git or via ansible galaxy.
- hosts: pi
- role: mpataki.ha-mosquitto