STC clist: Forward List
The clist container supports fast insertion and removal of elements from anywhere in the container. Fast random access is not supported.
Unlike the c++ class std::forward_list, clist has an API similar to std::list, and also supports push_back() (O(1) time). It is still implemented as a singly-linked list. A clist object occupies only one pointer in memory, and like std::forward_list the length of the list is not stored. All functions have O(1) complexity, apart from clist_X_count(), which returns size of list in O(n) time.
Iterator invalidation: Adding, removing and moving the elements within the list, or across several lists will invalidate other iterators currently refering to these elements and their immediate succesive elements. However, an iterator to a succesive element can both be dereferenced and advanced. After advancing, the iterator is in a valid state. This implies:
clist_X_insert(&L, clist_X_fwd(it,1), x)
is identical to std::forward_listL.insert_after(it, x)
.clist_X_erase_at(&L, clist_X_fwd(it,1))
is identical to std::forward_listL.erase_after(it)
.- Iterators returned from clist_X_insert() and clist_X_erase_at() are always valid.
- Elements can be safely removed from a list via multiple iterators if done back to front order.
See the c++ class std::list for similar API and std::forward_list for a functional description.
#include <stc/clist.h>
using_clist(X, Value);
using_clist(X, Value, valueCompare);
using_clist(X, Value, valueCompare, valueDel, valueClone = c_no_clone);
using_clist(X, Value, valueCompareRaw, valueDel, valueFromRaw, valueToRaw, RawValue);
The macro using_clist()
must be instantiated in the global scope. X
is a type tag name and
will affect the names of all clist types and methods. E.g. declaring using_clist(i, int);
, X
be replaced by i
in all of the following documentation. using_clist_str()
is a shorthand for
using_clist(str, cstr, cstr_compare_raw, cstr_del, cstr_from, cstr_c_str, const char*)
clist_X clist_X_init(void);
clist_X clist_X_clone(clist_X list);
void clist_X_clear(clist_X* self);
void clist_X_del(clist_X* self); // destructor
bool clist_X_empty(clist_X list);
size_t clist_X_count(clist_X list); // size() in O(n) time
clist_X_value_t* clist_X_front(const clist_X* self);
clist_X_value_t* clist_X_back(const clist_X* self);
void clist_X_push_front(clist_X* self, Value value);
void clist_X_emplace_front(clist_X* self, RawValue raw);
void clist_X_pop_front(clist_X* self);
void clist_X_push_back(clist_X* self, Value value); // note: no pop_back().
void clist_X_emplace_back(clist_X* self, RawValue raw);
void clist_X_emplace_n(clist_X *self, const clist_X_rawvalue_t arr[], size_t n);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_insert(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it, Value value); // return iter to new elem
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_emplace(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it, RawValue raw);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_erase_at(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it); // return iter after it
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_erase_range(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it1, clist_X_iter_t it2);
size_t clist_X_remove(clist_X* self, RawValue raw); // removes all elements equal to raw
clist_X clist_X_split(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it1, clist_X_iter_t it2); // split out [it1, it2)
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_splice(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it, clist_X* other); // return updated valid it
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_splice_range(clist_X* self, clist_X_iter_t it, // return updated valid it
clist_X* other, clist_X_iter_t it1, clist_X_iter_t it2);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_find(const clist_X* self, RawValue raw);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_find_in(const clist_X* self,
clist_X_iter_t it1, clist_X_iter_t it2, RawValue raw);
void clist_X_sort(clist_X* self);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_begin(const clist_X* self);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_end(const clist_X* self);
void clist_X_next(clist_X_iter_t* it);
clist_X_iter_t clist_X_fwd(clist_X_iter it, size_t n); // return it n elements ahead. End allowed.
clist_X_value_t clist_X_value_clone(clist_X_value_t val);
Type name | Type definition | Used to represent... |
clist_X |
struct { clist_X_node_t* last; } |
The clist type |
clist_X_value_t |
Value |
The clist element type |
clist_X_rawvalue_t |
RawValue |
clist raw value type |
clist_X_iter_t |
struct { clist_value_t *ref; ... } |
clist iterator |
Interleave push_front() / push_back() then sort():
#include <stc/clist.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using_clist(d, double);
int main() {
c_init (clist_d, list, {
10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0
c_forrange (i, int, 1, 10) {
if (i & 1) clist_d_push_front(&list, (float) i);
else clist_d_push_back(&list, (float) i);
printf("initial: ");
c_foreach (i, clist_d, list)
printf(" %g", *i.ref);
clist_d_sort(&list); // mergesort O(n*log n)
printf("\nsorted: ");
c_foreach (i, clist_d, list)
printf(" %g", *i.ref);
initial: 9 7 5 3 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2 4 6 8
sorted: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Use of erase_at() and erase_range():
// erasing from clist
#include <stc/clist.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using_clist(i, int);
int main ()
c_init (clist_i, L, {10, 20, 30, 40, 50});
// 10 20 30 40 50
clist_i_iter_t it = clist_i_begin(&L); // ^
it = clist_i_erase_at(&L, it); // 10 30 40 50
// ^
clist_i_iter_t end = clist_i_end(&L); //
it = clist_i_erase_range(&L, it, end); // 10 30
// ^
printf("mylist contains:");
c_foreach (x, clist_i, L) printf(" %d", *x.ref);
mylist contains: 10 30
Splice [30, 40]
from L2 into L1 before 3
#include <stc/clist.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using_clist(i, int);
int main() {
c_init (clist_i, L1, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
c_init (clist_i, L2, {10, 20, 30, 40, 50});
clist_i_iter_t i = clist_i_fwd(clist_i_begin(&L1), 2);
clist_i_iter_t j1 = clist_i_fwd(clist_i_begin(&L2), 2), j2 = clist_i_fwd(j1, 2);
clist_i_splice_range(&L1, i, &L2, j1, j2);
c_foreach (i, clist_i, L1) printf(" %d", *i.ref); puts("");
c_foreach (i, clist_i, L2) printf(" %d", *i.ref); puts("");
1 2 30 40 3 4 5
10 20 50