Ever wanted to listen to music with a larger group of people e.g. in your office? Who decides what to play? Make your music player democratic and give everyone the chance to promote their favourite song.
Jukebox provides a web interface to search your music library and vote for songs to be played. The more votes a song gets, the sooner you will listen to it.
At one point in your life your play queue might get empty. Don't worry, the jukebox will keep on playing. The playback system figures out who is online using the web interface or API and plays music to their liking.
Required system libraries
libshout3, libshout3-dev and python-dev are required to build the dependecy python-shout.
- Jukebox is available in english and german
- Jukebox uses Facebook, Twitter and Github for authentication (see django-social-auth for more authentication providers)
There is a public test server of Democratic Jukebox to try it out. Please note that the icecast server is limited to 10 listeners.
Web: http://jukebox.jensnistler.de
Stream: http://jukebox.jensnistler.de:8000/stream
Thanks to Steffen Zieger for providing and managing the server.
Install virtualenv via pip if not alreay done:
sudo pip install virtualenv
Set up a virtualenv for jukebox:
virtualenv --no-site-packages jukebox
Install ez_setup and finally jukebox in your fresh virtual environment:
cd jukebox bin/pip install ez_setup bin/pip install jukebox
Now it's time to configure the jukebox
- Enter admin credentials and select authentication providers
- Create the database
- Index your music
That's all
bin/jukebox jukebox_setup bin/jukebox syncdb bin/jukebox jukebox_index --path=/path/to/library
The django builtin development webserver will be sufficient to serve your office or party. Just start it up:
bin/jukebox runserver ip:port
Now you're ready to put music in the queue. Jukebox offers several methods to play it:
See jukebox_shout
See jukebox_mpg123
Feel free to fork jukebox and add additional playback modules.
There is a daemon to watch the music directory for changes and add them to the library.
bin/jukebox jukebox_watch --path=/path/to/library
jukebox_core provides a fully fledged REST API for authenticated users. See API reference
Jukebox supports google-like search filter. Available search fields: title, artist, album, genre, year.
title:(love to dance) artist:bobby artist:(bobby baby) lucky title:(in ten years) genre:electronic
Django==1.3 mutagen==1.20 django-social-auth==0.6.0 djangorestframework==0.2.3 python-shout==0.2 python-daemon==1.6 pyinotify==0.9.1
MIT License. See License
Clone the git repository, change directory to jukebox/jukebox/ and replace the calls to "bin/jukebox" by "python manage.py"
- Initial release
- Fixed installer bugs
- Added personal history
- Added system tests for api
- Language switch
- Sortable lists
- Google-like search operators
- Autoplay tries to play appropriate music
- Improved web interface
- fixed issue with autoplay
- Added jukebox_watch
- Added list of voters
- Minor improvements