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Translate to Secret Languages

A simple GUI program to translate between pig latin/english, gibberish/english, and obish/english.
Main targets:
run: run the combined PigLatin/Gibberish Translator program
clean: delete unnecessary files and directories
compile: compile the java files
test: test EnglishToPigLatin
Default target: compile

To run the combined translator: Use the command ant run. Once run, simply type the words you wish to be translated into the empty box under "Please enter a word or phrase of 8 words or less:" and press the conversion you want. The result will be displayed in the box under "Result". You press the "Font Style" button or the "Font Color" button to change the font. To view the rules in the GUI, press the Help button.

The rules of pig latin (from wikipedia):

The usual rules for changing standard English into Pig Latin are as follows: For words that begin with consonant sounds, the initial consonant or consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word, and "ay" is added, as in the following examples: Alt text
"happy" → "appyhay"
"duck" → "uckday"
"glove" → "oveglay"
For words that begin with vowel sounds or silent letter, "way" is added at the end of the word. Examples are "egg" → "eggway"
"inbox" → "inboxway"
"eight" → "eightway"
In some variants, though, just add an "ay" at the end. "egg" → "eggay" Yet another acceptable variant is to add the ending "yay" to words that begin with a vowel sound. "egg" → "eggyay"

The rules of our gibberish program (from wikipedia):

The conversion for changing standard English into gibberish are as follows(in our program, not officially): The string 'uvug' is placed into the word to be translated, before each vowel, not including 'y'. That could be added for future functionality for words that don't have another vowel like "my" → "muvugy"
For example:
Alt text
"hello" → "huvugelluvugo"
"hi my name is conrad" → "huvugi my nuvugamuvuge uvugis cuvugonruvugad"

Some extra instructions: The combined translator contains both the Gibberish and PigLatin translators. It contains a help function detailing the procedure and rules of the languages. There are also new buttons for changing the font. To change the font, simply press the button you wish and select a font or color.

W16 Final Remarks - Nicholas Frey and John Mangel The project at its current state has 3 GUI's, one for Pig Latin, one for Gibberish, and a combined translator. There arent really any bugs but there are a lot of features that we think could be added! See the issues tab on the github or in . One large issue we never got to was fixing the indentation across all files. We reccomend fixing this as you go through and try to understand the code. Enjoy! Make sure you familiarize yourself with the code before you start working!


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