This repository provides an open collection of Lists and Mixes which can be used in any Library that is part of The Library.Link Network.
Library.Link Collections can be defined in 2 different ways.
Lists. Lists are fixed, ordered set of library items that have been organized for a particular purpose. Any List can be used by any Library in The Library.Link Network.
Mixes. Mixes are more dynamic and blend library items that share concepts (including more specialized persons,topics, forms, places, etc.) together to create new collections. Any Mix can be used by any Library in The Library.Link Network.
Parameter Options
- domain : A Library's canonical Library.Link domain
- list : a URL to the list
- LibraryReads Favorite of Favorites 2018 at DC Public Library Library System
Parameter Options
- domain : A Library's canonical Library.Link domain
- mix : a URL to the mix
- "Treating Opioid Addiction" the Timberland Regional Library System
All are welcome!
The collections in this project are licensed CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication