This repository contains an example of embedding the Signal Sciences Agent in the ingress-nginx Ingress controller installed via the Helm package manager:
- /sigsci-module-nginx-ingress/Dockerfile
- This container is a "wrapper" for the default
container pulled by thestable/nginx-ingress
Helm chart, and serves to simply add the Signal Sciences nginx Module files. You can set the image version in the Dockerfile, version used here is 0.25.1
- This container is a "wrapper" for the default
- /sigsci-agent/Dockerfile
- This container is a sidecar, running the Signal Sciences Agent, that will be included in the same pod as the nginx-ingress-controller
- nginx.tmpl
- This file contains a template for nginx to build its nginx.conf. The Signal Sciences Module is included as Lua directives within the template, and is loaded via a configMap as setup below
- values-sigsci.yaml
- This yaml file contains custom configuration options for Helm, mainly used to load the two Signal Sciences containers and configure them to talk to one another
Set whatever registry + repository name you'd like here, just be sure to set controller.image.repository:
to match in values-sigsci.yaml
cd sigsci-module-nginx-ingress
docker build -t ubbleai/nginx-ingress-controller:0.25.1 .
Again, set whatever resgistry + repository name you'd like here, just be sure to set controller.extraContainers.image:
to match in values-sigsci.yaml
cd ../sigsci-agent
docker build -t ubbleai/sigsci-agent:latest .
cd ..
kubectl create configmap sigsci-nginx-template --from-file=nginx.tmpl
helm install stable/nginx-ingress -f values-sigsci.yaml
# (Optional alternate command if RBAC is enabled)
# helm install stable/nginx-ingress -f values-sigsci.yaml --set rbac.create=true