eredis_cluster is a wrapper for eredis to support cluster mode of redis 3.0.0+
- Improve test suite to demonstrate the case where redis cluster is crashing, resharding, recovering...
The directory contains a Makefile and rebar3
rebar3 ct
To configure the redis cluster, you can use an application variable (probably in your app.config):
{"", 30001},
{"", 30002}
{pool_size, 2},
{database, 0},
{pool_max_overflow, 2},
{password, "123456"},
% reconnect redis nods interval 100 ms
{reconnect_interval, 100}
{"", 30001},
{"", 30002}
{pool_size, 2},
{database, 0},
{pool_max_overflow, 2},
{password, "123456"},
% reconnect redis nods interval 100 ms
{reconnect_interval, 100}
You don't need to specify all nodes of your configuration as eredis_cluster will
retrieve them through the command CLUSTER SLOTS
at runtime.
%% Start the application
%% Start multi clusters instance
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
init([]) ->
{ok, ERedisClusters} = application:get_env(YourAppName, eredis_cluster),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 100}, pool_spec(ERedisClusters)}}.
pool_spec([]) ->
?ERROR_MSG("redis is not configured", []);
pool_spec(ERedisClusters) ->
SpecList = [pool_spec(Instance, Options) || {Instance, Options} <- ERedisClusters],
pool_spec(InstanceName, Params) ->
#{id => name(InstanceName),
start => {eredis_cluster_monitor, start_link, [InstanceName, Params]},
restart => permanent,
shutdown => 5000,
type => worker,
modules => [eredis_cluster_monitor]
name(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
Name1 = Name ++ "_eredis_cluster_monitor",
case catch(erlang:list_to_existing_atom(Name1)) of
{'EXIT', _} -> erlang:list_to_atom(Name1);
Atom when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom
name(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
%% Simple command
eredis_cluster:q(InstanceName, ["GET","abc"]).
%% Pipeline
eredis_cluster:qp(InstanceName, [["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).
%% Pipeline in multiple node (keys are sorted by node, a pipeline request is
%% made on each node, then the result is aggregated and returned. The response
%% keep the command order
eredis_cluster:qmn(InstanceName, [["GET", "a"], ["GET", "b"], ["GET", "c"]]).
%% Transaction
eredis_cluster:transaction(InstanceName, [["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).
%% Transaction Function
Function = fun(Worker) ->
eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["WATCH", "abc"]),
{ok, Var} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["GET", "abc"]),
%% Do something with Var %%
Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,
{ok, Result} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker,[["MULTI"], ["SET", "abc", Var2], ["EXEC"]]),
eredis_cluster:transaction(InstanceName, Function, "abc").
%% Optimistic Locking Transaction
Function = fun(GetResult) ->
{ok, Var} = GetResult,
Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,
{[["SET", Key, Var2]], Var2}
Result = optimistic_locking_transaction(InstanceName, Key, ["GET", Key], Function),
{ok, {TransactionResult, CustomVar}} = Result
%% Atomic Key update
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_key("abc", InstanceName, Fun).
%% Atomic Field update
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_hash_field("abc", InstanceName, "efg", Fun).
%% Eval script, both script and hash are necessary to execute the command,
%% the script hash should be precomputed at compile time otherwise, it will
%% execute it at each request. Could be solved by using a macro though.
Script = "return'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);",
ScriptHash = "4bf5e0d8612687699341ea7db19218e83f77b7cf",
eredis_cluster:eval(InstanceName, Script, ScriptHash, ["abc"], ["123"]).
%% Flush DB
%% eredis_cluster:flushdb().
%% Query on all cluster server
eredis_cluster:qa(InstanceName, ["FLUSHDB"]).
%% Execute a query on the server containing the key "TEST"
eredis_cluster:qk(InstanceName, ["FLUSHDB"], "TEST").