IOTA POW Benchmarking for IRI API endpoints for attachToTangle performance (proof of work)
This is a command line app only right now
Clone this repository, then run npm install in its directory
git clone
cd iota-pow-benchmark
npm install
Usage: node benchmark.js [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-b, --broadcast Broadcast transactions (default: transactions don't get sent to tangle)
-f, --format [format] Format (JSON, human) (default: human)
-m, --mwm [mwm] Minimum Weight Magnitude (default: 14)
-M, --max-bundle-size [maxbundles] Maximum Bundle Size (default: 3)
-c, --concurrency [concurrency] Max Concurrent Requests (default: 1)
-d, --depth [depth] Number of times to repeat each test (default: 10)
-h, --host [host] POW API Hostname (default: localhost)
-p, --port [port] POW API Port # (default: 14265)
-iri-h, --iri-host [host] IRI API Hostname (default: localhost)
-iri-p, --iri-port [port] IRI API Port # (default: 14265)
-h, --help output usage information
POWServer # Full address of the POW server
depth # Depth (number of tests run per bundle size)
concurrency # Maximum simultaneous tests
maxBundleSize # Largest bundle size
publicTxns # Did we broadcast our txns?
address # Address you can use to look up all the txns for this test (if you broadcasted them)
estTPS # Estimated transactions/second of entire test
minTime # Quickest POW time (ms)
maxTime # Slowest POW time (ms)
totalTxns # Total transactions created
totalTime # Total cumulative time of all POW work (ms)
testTime # Overall test runtime from first POW request to completion (ms)
errors # Number of unsuccessful POW attempts
medianTime # Median individual txn POW time (ms)
avgTime # Average individual txn POW time (ms)
Note that times for multi-transaction bundles are calculated as an average as we can only measure the API call for the entire batch of transfers in a bundle.
Run a benchmark on a local POW server (for instance, running iota-gpu-pow), do 60 bundles of 1 transaction each, one at a time
node benchmark.js --iri-host= --iri-port=443 -h http://localhost -p 80 -d 60 -M 1 -c 1 -b
This is still under development. We are obviously missing some metrics and also would like to develop some standard benchmarks that make sense for rating how an API endpoint would perform in real-world scenarios.
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