script plugin for Chrome
Officially discontinued
Looking for a new maintainer.
Inline image expansion - Expand images mentioned in chat and view them in a built in lightbox by clicking them. (External links to the images removed by popular vote)
- Featured Rooms
- AutoWoot
- AutoJoin
- Notifications (Songs, DJ's, and Chat)
- Settings (Disable unwanted features and notification timeouts)
- PlugList (Shows all users, votes, and relation to you)
- AutoWoot Delayed Vote
- Theme Controller
- Turntable.FM Style Mute (via space bar)
- Avatars in notifications
- Inline image expansion
- AutoAfk
- TempMute
- AfkMessage
- Mod Features(bots)
- Automated messages/functions
- Spam Hammer :D
- Song limiter
- Language Support
- Music purchase sites (spotify, etc)
- Reverse Youtube
- Inline youtube embeds
- RoomRanker
- More themes
We no longer track this here. See the git commits.
We are generally lazy about tags and commit logs but we plan to update the feature list.