A new port of the Web2py 2.14.6 libraries to Pyramid (based on mdipierro/gluino)
This semi fork from mdipierro/gluino is a succesfull attempt to upgraded the Gluino libraries to Web2py 2.14.6 (Gluino later became known as Web2y) for use with the Pyramid Web Framework.
The reason why I decided to semi upgrade gluino is Web2py was not updated for almost a year now since writing this. So I decided to upgrade to an active Python Web Frameworks such as Pyramid, which I really like. But there was one downsize. Database connections were harder to configure in Pyramid than in Web2py. I also didn't like templating libraries like jinja2 or chameleon. But because Pyramid is versatile I could reuse the templating system of Web2py, which is really nice. Easy to use and similar to jinja2 and chameleon. With minor adjustments you now can reuse your Web2py based python code and enjoy Pyramid.
Author: Massimo Di Pierro
Edited and upgraded by: Jefta Harlingen
Based on mdipierro/gluino
License: Web2py license (LGPL) applies to files in gluon/ folder
On Web2py: http://web2py.com
On Pyramid: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest
The port includes:
- Database Abstraction Layer (dal.py)
- Template language (template.py)
- FORMs (form.py)
- SQLFORMs (sqlhtml.py)
- validators (validators.py)
- widgets
- cache (cache.py)
All Web2py documentation can be found here.
- pyramid_example.py (basic example)
- Example/Model-View-Controller (each in their own separate file)
The basic pyramid_example.py example included:
form = SQLFORM(db.person)
if form.accepts(vars):
message = 'hello %s' % form.vars.name
request.session.flash('hello %s' % form.vars.name)
message = 'hello anonymous'
people = db(db.person).select()
return locals()
and execute the same template:
{{extend 'templates/layout.html'}}
{{from gluon.html import *}}
<h2>A static image</h2>
{{=IMG(_src=URL('static','cat.jpg'), _alt="Cat")}}
which generates the following output on the Pyramid web framework:
Databases supported:
- SQLite sqlite3 or pysqlite2 or zxJDBC (on Jython)
- PostgreSQL psycopg2 or pg8000 or zxJDBC (on Jython)
- MySQL pymysql or MySQLdb
- Oracle cx_Oracle
- MSSQL pyodbc or pypyodbc
- FireBird kinterbasdb or fdb or pyodbc
- DB2 pyodbc
- Informix informixdb
- Ingres ingresdbi
- Cubrid cubriddb
- Sybase Sybase
- Teradata pyodbc
- SAPDB sapdb
- MongoDB pymongo
- IMAP imaplib
You can also create an executable for production purposes by using PyInstaller. See the WIKI page for more details and for an example.