Cultures of Experimentation workshop 2018 Round 5 initiative to analyze open text of Mozilla Support @firefox customer support sentiment
This project is designed to analyze open text customer support sentiment.
Mozilla Support creates release reports during the first three weeks of a Firefox Desktop release. It included sentiment and summaries of user issue from one to one support channels that are prioritized by the Mozilla Support team (SUMO). These open text data sets include: Mozilla forum questions and answers and Twitter conversations, and CSAT open text survey sentiment. Right now, this data is rich in information from users that are experiencing the headaches that could be improved upon in the product. This experiment is to enhance the presentation of these issues and summarize them in a more meaningful way with text analysis.
Working with Ben, we would like to analyze the open text to get an idea of positive and negative words based on NLTK library to see if there are any new insights that the current model does not show.
Hypothesis: Based on two sample csv data dumps from each open text data in each one to one support channel we want to see if the sentiment library reveals any new issues with the new model. By the end of the 2h we will have a sample report of positive and negative user issue trends based on the english library and be able to tell you if the model shows any other pain points from users looking for help with Firefox. (that were not revealed by previous tagging methods in the Reply by Buffer Tool Mozilla uses to answer @firefox support tweets)
Data Analyst: Ben Collaborators: Rachel, Madalina, Roland
The first version of this project will include the tags that have been manually added and programed in the Reply by Buffer tool and the open text tweet from the support conversations inbox. These are considered the 'support conversations' sentiment that we would like to analyze for user issues further.
Version 1: Trains the model to analyze tweets and classifies words from a sample set from Kaggle to identify positive and negative works in twitter. The model then applies what it learned to the csv sample set from the Reply by Buffer tool export. Tags and Tweet text are only included in this csv file sample. Th emodel then prints out words with the most frequency and the ratio between the postive and negative tweet frequency to give more detail about the sentiment of the support tweets. Firefox screenshot of what it looks like.
As a reporter for the Support Community Release report, I want to be able to see positive and negative summaries for the different languages that are offered community support in twitter for Mozilla's Social Support Team. As a interpreter of this report, I want to be able to ask, what tweets are contributing the negativity to this keyword - or tag that describes the user issue?, what are the biggest pain points of the tweets that increased from one week to the next, and what are the tweets displayed for each postive or negative word? (More being added week of Oct 8 - Oct 20)
Version 2 model - Jupyter Notebook Display desired.
Feedback 10/9/18: Nice! Some nice to have features: 1/ Do we analyze the Support sample - AoA and Help Me only 2/ Week to week change in keywords 3/ analyze the outgoing tweets only (data filtered) 4/analyze the question_answers only, filtered by volunteer *(quality of user reply (are they more positive or negative)) (?character limit?) 5/Train data based on questions_question and questions_answer random sample b/then - analyze if the positve tweets are more likely solved?
6/User story: removal of feature in Firefox, are we negative or positive with major product changes in
Priotize other open text Right away -
Questions in the forum
google play store (original and responses)
Action Item: Open git issue
Meeting with Ben 10/26
Conclusion and cleaned up use cases desired:
Alerts for negative and positive words weekly or daily
Volunteer responses positive and negative in the support forum
CSAT training output
[later]German added as a lanuage - or a how to - (this would require to convert to english first, we can incorporate this later)
[now] webpat
*Python version (3) *Ntlk library (included = what is the terminal link that installs these)
Rough project timeline and links: <> Oct Use case: Feed a tweet: is it negative or positive * Input: csv - yellow columns text, tag, size = 1k (weeks worth ) * Output = add column that says positive or negative Nov 2nd iteration add the language Use cases based 1st iteration = “next steps” slideEnd of Nov - have prototype website that summarizes week work of tweets
Command to run script