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fun exampleSumByDouble() {
println("\nFind the total money gained from FOOD products")
println("Iterable implementation")
measure {
val foodProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.FOOD }
println("Total money gained from FOOD: ${foodProducts.sumByDouble { it.price }}")
println("Sequence implementation")
measure {
val foodProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.FOOD }
println("Total money gained from FOOD: ${foodProducts.sumByDouble { it.price }}")
Find the total money gained from FOOD products
Iterable implementation
Total money gained from FOOD: 3169452.9117080076
Time: 2824 ms
Sequence implementation
Total money gained from FOOD: 3169452.9117080076
Time: 681 ms
fun exampleAverage() {
println("\nFind the average price of sold ELECTRONIC products")
println("Iterable implementation")
measure {
val electronicProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.ELECTRONIC }
.map { it.price }
println("Average price of sold ELECTRONIC products: ${electronicProducts.average()}")
println("Sequence implementation")
measure {
val electronicProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.ELECTRONIC }
.map { it.price }
println("Average price of sold ELECTRONIC products: ${electronicProducts.average()}")
Find the average price of sold ELECTRONIC products
Iterable implementation
Average price of sold ELECTRONIC products: 0.5017174426583605
Time: 933 ms
Sequence implementation
Average price of sold ELECTRONIC products: 0.5017174426583605
Time: 714 ms
fun exampleTake() {
println("\nGet 100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7")
println("Iterable implementation")
measure {
val clothingProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.CLOTHING && it.price > 0.7 }
println("100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7: $clothingProducts")
println("Sequence implementation")
measure {
val clothingProducts = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
.filter { it.category == ProductCategory.CLOTHING && it.price > 0.7 }
println("100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7: $clothingProducts")
Get 100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7
Iterable implementation
100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7: [Product(id=87995, name=e0d79a81-59c5-4988-989b-9b9ef4fab145, price=0.9912938603842654, category=CLOTHING), ...
Time: 550 ms
Sequence implementation
100 CLOTHING products that price is bigger than 0.7: [Product(id=87995, name=e0d79a81-59c5-4988-989b-9b9ef4fab145, price=0.9912938603842654, category=CLOTHING), ...
Time: 2 ms
I got OutOfMemory
exception when I tried with toList()
. If you want to test with toList()
you may decrease the ORDER_COUNT
fun exampleFlatMap(){
println("\nTesting flatMap()")
println("Iterable implementation")
measure {
val products = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
println("Sequence implementation")
measure {
val products = orders
.flatMap { it.products }
Testing flatMap()
Iterable implementation
Time: 3326 ms
Sequence implementation
Time: 2238 ms