This sample project is based on Intermediate Task List Tutorial with slight modification. This project provides an intermediate introduction to the Laravel framework and includes content on the following concepts:
- database migrations with foreign key constraints,
- the Eloquent ORM with relationship,
- routing using HTTP verb,
- controller,
- authentication using Laravel authentication scaffolding,
- authorization using policies,
- input validation,
- dependency injection,
- simple repository pattern,
- pagination, and
- views using Blade templates.
This project sample a basic selection of Laravel features through simple task list application which we can use to track all of the tasks we want to accomplish. This typical "to-do" list example demonstrates how to do simple CRUD using Laravel and allow users to create accounts and authenticate with the application.
First, clone repo and install all dependencies.
$ git clone intermediate-task-list
$ cd intermediate-task-list
$ composer install
After that, setting up database config in .env
file and then run migrate command.
$ php artisan migrate
You're ready to go! :)
Check out also Laravel Sample - Basic Task List repository for a basic introduction to the Laravel framework.