Electron/Positron/Photon Propagation and inhomogeneous media
add inhomogeneous media (add density axis), interpolation files are now independent of the density correction
add electron/positron propagation (ionization, bremsstrahlung, annihilation)
add photon propagation (photo pair production, Compton scattering)
add sampling of individual energies in pair production
add particle deflection in stochastic loss
add ROOT interface
Secondary class replacing Output vector
add maximal distance for a step length
add propagation to a minimal energy
add just_use_readonly_path
add ability to deactivate a cross section
add CascadiaBasin SeaWater
remove boost
replace bimap
create newton-raphson and spline method
pybind parametrization factory
no implicit movement of particle in Scattering
move StochasticLoss calculation from Sector to utility
now possible to propagate till the edge of all sector geometries
particle is replaced by particleDef and particle condition
upper limit calculation using newton raphson for distance energy
Bug Fixes
numerical stable boosting in decay at high energies
direction of decay products
dr=0 in scattering
energy conservation in decay products∂
add matrix element to Many Body Decay Channel test
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