You can install the this package via the remotes package.
remotes.install_github(repo = "tud-ise/wellbeing-study-helper")
The Package offers the functionality to receive data from a formr survey and query rescue time data.
To query all data you need to do the following (you need to replace the mail and passwort with yout formr login data):
# load the library
# fetch the survey results and provide the formr mail adress and passwort
# aswell as the internal name of the initial, daily and final survey name
fetch_survey_data("[email protected]", "passwort123", "initial_survey", "daily_survey", "final_survey")
# execute function to combine fetch surveys + screen time data
data <- get_all_data()
# write data to csv file
write.csv(data, "all_data.csv", na = "", row.names = FALSE)
To query the data intermediately, you can execute the get_all_data() Function multiple times and provide the results of the previous run to avoid fetching the same data multiple times.
# load the library
# fetch survey for the first time
fetch_survey_data("[email protected]", "passwort123", "initial_survey", "daily_survey", "final_survey")
intermediate_data <- get_all_data()
# store data
write.csv(intermediate_data, "intermediate_data.csv", na = "", row.names = FALSE)
# 14 days later
# read data again
intermediate_data <- read.csv("intermediate_data.csv")
# fetch current survey results
fetch_survey_data("[email protected]", "passwort123", "initial_survey", "daily_survey", "final_survey")
# call function to combine data and provide previous data
data <- get_all_data(intermediate_data)
# write data into csv file
write.csv(data, "all_data.csv", na = "", row.names = FALSE)
You also have the possibility to receive an individuals data set with non-anonymized screen time data. Due to privacy issues, you need to provide the all_data as well as your session id and your rescue time api key:
# load the library
# read the provide dataset with all data into a variable
all_data <- read.csv("all_data.csv")
# get your single data set by providing your session id, your RescueTime API Key,
# your scope (you probably want to put 'Acitivity' here) and the previously loaded data set
data <- get_single_data("1", "ABC", "Activity", all_data)
# write data into file
write.csv(data, "single_data.csv", na = "", row.names = FALSE)