- Python 3.8.
- For working on Backend code.
- Also needed: Poetry.
- For loading AWS Credentials.
- After installing AWS CLI, run
aws configure
to set up your AWS credentials.
- Node 14.
- For working with Frontend code, and facilitating with the Serverless framework.
- Also needed:
- Nice to have:
. A neat tool to have if you have multiple versions of Node installed on your machine.
- Docker.
- Although we don't use Docker directly, we need it to package the Python dependencies.
- For Mac and Windows, get Docker Desktop
- For Linux, follow the steps appropriate for your distro and follow the post installation steps.
Clone the repo, and follow the setup steps in each service README.md
- Sam Huynh - samhwang
- Andrews Trinh - AndrewsTrinh
- Andrew Tran - AndrewTran3003
- Daniel Nguyen - daniel-nguyen24
- Jack Le - jkiller295
- Tony Ta - manhtuognta1996
- Thanh Nguyen - NNCT2904
- Khoi Tuan - tuannkhoi
- Clover Nguyen