Buf’s long-term goal is to enable Schema-Driven Development: a future where APIs are defined consistently, in a way that service owners and clients can depend on.
Defining APIs using an IDL provides a number of benefits over simply exposing JSON/REST services, and today, Protobuf is the most stable, widely-adopted IDL in the industry. However, as it stands, using Protobuf is much more difficult than using JSON as your data transfer format.
Buf is building tooling to make Protobuf reliable and easy to use for service owners and clients, while keeping it the obvious choice on the technical merits. Your organization should not have to reinvent the wheel to create, maintain, and consume Protobuf APIs efficiently and effectively. We'll handle your Protobuf management strategy for you, so you can focus on what matters.
You can find it more at here
This repository is used Buf Tour described here and then modified it to use another api to learn.
The tour introduces you to the buf
CLI and the Buf Schema Registry (BSR).
Along the way, you will enforce lint standards, detect breaking changes, generate code, create a
module, manage a non-trivial dependency graph, and publish the module
to the BSR so that it can be consumed by others. The tour takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
The buf.yaml file defines a module, and is placed at the root of the Protobuf source files it defines. The placement of the buf.yaml configuration tells buf where to search for .proto files, and how to handle imports.
This file contains lint and breaking change detection rules, and if applicable, the name of your module and a list of dependencies.
# cd to the dir that is the root of user proto dir
cd userapis
# create default buf.yaml file
buf mod init
buf build
# The above command should have exit code 0 and no output. This means that all of the .proto files defined in the current directory successfully compile.
version: v1 # version of buf, only accept v1 and v1beta1
deps: # all of dependency public from go here, you do not need to keep all 3rd proto on project
lint: # linter to make sure user.v1.user.proto is valid
use: # define what module that linter will use
breaking: # same as git, allow to check last state of buf.yaml file and checkout it
use: # define what module that breaking will use
If your buf.yaml declares any deps, it will be accompanied by a buf.lock file that contains your module's dependency manifest. This manifest represents a single, reproducible build of your module.
You can create or update a buf.lock file for your module by running the buf mod update command
# Still in userapis dir
buf mod update
buf build
cat buf.lock
# Generated by buf. DO NOT EDIT.
version: v1
- remote:
owner: envoyproxy
repository: protoc-gen-validate
branch: main
commit: bb405eae115246f0b5ccf8997136e3d8
digest: b1-BJUoAjBMVXaIMUNFJ5kdGr-be0QDwhDSTEDQpoxXzys=
create_time: 2021-08-20T15:05:15.02577Z
- remote:
owner: googleapis
repository: googleapis
branch: main
commit: 169fc074fd8f4100b4c7f552afc3bedc
digest: b1-hJiYnkothgtMT1aW3EfjtnAMErBk8uOB1UpXX9ck_iQ=
create_time: 2021-09-15T19:44:01.730106Z
- remote:
owner: grpc-ecosystem
repository: grpc-gateway
branch: main
commit: de24a84aed3d4d84806740946b55d947
digest: b1-Q-mEW3P3NR5UL8gm0pr3YWFSo5DAtrBqqgvkwH2WFWw=
create_time: 2021-09-08T00:32:28.231758Z
The buf.gen.yaml file defines a local generation template, and is used by the buf generate command to generate code for the language(s) of your choice. This file is often used with a module (or another input), and is typically placed next to your
# You need to cd to root folder
cd ..
touch buf.gen.yaml
# Generate pb automation
buf generate userapis
# New dir name "gen" will exists if your buf.gen.yaml is correct
version: v1
enabled: true
default: buf/gen/go # this is go_option, you don't need to specific it in proto anymore
except: # except 3rd plugins
- name: go # name is path of protoc-gen-<name>, ex: this is protoc-gen-go
out: gen/go # dir that storage the output
opt: paths=source_relative # option of protoc-gen-go
- name: go-grpc # protoc-gen-go-grpc
out: gen/go
- paths=source_relative
- require_unimplemented_servers=false
- name: grpc-gateway # protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
out: gen/go
- paths=source_relative
# - generate_unbound_methods=true
- name: validate # protoc-gen-validate
out: gen/go
- paths=source_relative
- lang=go
- name: openapiv2 # protoc-gen-openapiv2
out: gen/go
The file is used to define a workspace, where one or more modules can coexist and interoperate within a common directory. Workspaces make it possible for local modules to import Protobuf files from other local modules, and unlock other powerful use cases that operate on multiple modules at the same time.
# Same level with buf.gen.yaml
touch buf.gen.yaml
version: v1
- userapis # directory path you want to use
buf is deprecated v1beta1 and recommend to use v1 version
My main purpose that I want to learn how to inject my own tags (using and gogoproto) and validate it with my custom validate function implement from validator v10 libary.
I use google error models to return multiple error to client.
All knowledge gathred from internet: Google errors, Advanced gRPC Error Usage, gRPC-Gateway Error Handler, Input validation in GoLang
λ go run client\main.go
2021/09/17 14:44:13 Connected to
The "username" field was wrong:
Username is a required field
The "password" field was wrong:
Password is a required field
The "email" field was wrong:
email must be a valid email!
The "role" field was wrong:
role only accept 'user' value!
2021/09/17 14:44:13 server validate error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = invalid input
exit status 1
"code": 3,
"message": "invalid input",
"details": {
"email": "Email is a required field",
"password": "Password is a required field",
"role": "role only accept 'user' value!",
"username": "Username is a required field"