docker compose up -d
# if the rails container exists with an error, check the logs and restart it
# at the first startup, the database is being initialized and until it's done, rails won't be able to connect to it
# connecting to the database
docker compose exec postgres psql -d rails -U rails
# create a local sql dump
docker compose exec postgres pg_dump -U rails rails > ./postgres/init/rails.sql
# run database migrations
docker compose exec rails rails db:migrate
# run seeds
docker compose exec rails rails db:seed
# update simulus manifest after adding new controllers manually
docker compose exec rails rails stimulus:manifest:update
# test puppeteer crawler
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"url":""}' localhost:3001/reviews/airbnb
There is a seed user that use can use to login:
- email:
[email protected]
- password:
[email protected]
This user already has the test listing created, and all reviews synced.