WD3 is a Rails app to process and view data from the Zooniverse project 'Operation War Diary' (OWD). You need MongoDB, Rails (3.2.5), and Ruby (1.9.3) to run this app. You need to have a recent Mongo dump of the OWD database.
- Initialise the database using Rails or simply import the most recent, empty version included in the project root as wd3-dd-mm-yyyy.sql.gz (if you're lazy like me).
- Adjust database.yml as needed for your MySQL install.
- Check empty Rails app loads e.g. by launching console with
rails c
. - Adjust MongoDB connection and database details in script/import_subjects.rb and script/import_classifications.rb.
- Import Subjects to Pages MySQL table with
rails runner script/import_subjects.rb
- Import Classifications to various MySQL tables with
rails runner script/import_classifications.rb
These are all Rails console commands for now.
p = Page.find(<zooniverse_id>)
where <zooniverse_id> is anyhting from Talk or main DB, e.g. "AWD0000upc".p.activities
lists all activities tagge don page.p.date_means
shows all dates tagged on page with average y-axis positions.p.people.first.consensus_date
shows the averaged, consensus date that most likely relates to that person/activity/weather/place