Tracking satellites using TLEs and Perl (KML/Google Earth output). This single Perl file is designed to sit on your server and by default returns a KML file tracking the International Space Station over the next 2 hours. The default TLW source file is at
With a few simple arguments the file can slightly alter the returned output in KML. Defaults shown in brackets.
- url: URL of TLW data file (
- id: Comma-sperated list of TLE ids from the file (25544)
- hor Boolean Y or N to show satellite's horizon (Y)
- path Integer number of hours to shown future path of satellite (2)
- ex Boolean Y or N to show line connecting satellite to ground (N)
- icon URL path to icon for the satellite in Google Earth (
CGI, Math, POSIX, LWP and Astro::Coord
It was written in Perl because it utilises the Astro-satpass package by Tom Wyant (found at Perl is not my favorutie package but this is a speedy library that does most of the grunt work. Big thank you to Tom for all his hard work. :)