A working example using Zurb Foundation front-end on Rails. This showcase demonstrates basic CRUD implemented in Rails. This is a quick and a bit dirty demo, intended to ba a start pont for development and discussions as well as help others to get into coding faster. There's a lot of work TODO though.
Inspired by Michael Hartl's tutorial.
Pull requests are welcome!
For playing around with the app use this admin account:
email: [email protected]
pass: interview
Any resemblance to persons is purely coincidental :)
- Clone this repo, run
bundle install
- Visit http://localhost:3000/
This example is based on PostreSQL so make sure you have your pg server up and running.
- Expand this Readme.md to explain used gems and basic work flows.
- Fix my noobish css/scss structures (make common scss, e.g. colors.scss)
- Add search glass icon and make it stick to the search form.
- Replace search with Ransack's search form and add search logic.
- Make an image preview in add dialog.
- Lastly, add search filters in main feed.