GoBarber is the main project developed during GoStack Bootcamp. Its purpose is to create an aplication which allows users to book appointments in a barber shop.
# Cloning
git clone https://github.com/tsuyusk/go-barber
# Go to the 'go-barber' folder
cd go-barber
# Go to the 'backend' folder
cd backend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Create the database instances
docker run --name postgres -e -POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
# Create a database inside this instance called 'gostack_gobarber'
# Start the server
npm run dev:server / npm run start:ts
# Go to the 'web' folder
cd web
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the web version
npm start
# Go to http://localhost:3000
# Go to the 'appgobarber' folder
cd appgobarber
# Install dependencies
npm install
# If You are on IOS,
cd ios
pod install
# Install the mobile version
npm run android / npm run ios
If the mobile version does not work, You might have to replace the ipv4 in appgobarber/src/services/api.ts for your ipv4
Made with 💜 by tsuyusk