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Izumi Tsutsui edited this page Nov 18, 2018 · 5 revisions

What's this?

A dumb attempt to build ancient emacs-18.59 on the latest NetBSD (and Linux), including non-x86 archtectures.

How to build

Gentoo portage ebuild says:

autoconf? What's autoconf? We are living in 1992. ;-)


% su
# export PKG_PATH=`uname -p`/`uname -r`/All
# pkg_add -v git-base mozilla-rootcerts
# /usr/pkg/sbin/mozilla-rootcerts install
# exit
% git clone emacs-18.59
% cd emacs-18.59
% cp src/config.h-netbsd src/config.h
% make
% su
# make install

debian / ubuntu / Raspbian

% sudo apt update
% sudo apt upgrade
% sudo apt install make gcc libx11-dev ncurses-dev git 
% git clone emacs-18.59
% cd emacs-18.59
% cp src/config.h-linux src/config.h
% make
% sudo make install

On ubuntu on Windows WSL, you also need the following command to disable ASLR before 'make':

% sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space"

See also a blog entry "Emacs 18.59 on WSL ubuntu 18.04 LTS" for more details.


% sudo pacman -Syu
% sudo pacman -S git base-devel libx11
% git clone emacs-18.59
% cd emacs-18.59
% cp src/config.h-linux src/config.h
% make
% sudo make install
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