My macOS dotfiles.
Most operations are performed automatically by Makefile, but some operations must be performed manually.
# Get this repository
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
# Setup system preferences, Install packages, Deploy dotfiles
# Refresh shell
exec -l $SHELL
# Create SSH key with passphrase
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_tsunematsu21
# Add SSH key to ssh-agent with passphrase
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_tsunematsu21
# Login to GitHub using CLI
gh auth login
# Add singing key to GitHub
gh auth refresh -h -s admin:ssh_signing_key
gh ssh-key add ~/.ssh/ \
--title`date '+%Y%m%d'` \
--type signing
# Configure both an IAM Identity Center profile and sso-session
aws configure sso
Configure application settings.
- Warp
- Settings > Appearance
- Prompt: Shell prompt (PS1)
- Text > Terminal font: FiraCode Nerd Font Mono
- Settings > Appearance
- Raycast
- Settings > Advanced
- Import / Export: Import the exported
- Import / Export: Import the exported
- Settings > Advanced
# Unstow(-D)/Restow(-R) the dotfiles.
stow -v -t ~ -D aws gh git ssh starship zsh
stow -v -t ~ -R aws gh git ssh starship zsh
# List/Uninstall(--force) all dependencies not listed from the Brewfile.
brew bundle cleanup --file=./Brewfile
brew bundle cleanup --file=./Brewfile --force
# Install LTS Node.js to global by asdf, and activate pnpm
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf install nodejs lts
asdf global nodejs lts