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Running BEAM on BYU Supercomputer
To run BEAM with a scenario on the SuperComputer, follow these steps:
Make sure you have an account with the BYU Research Computing Department. https://rc.byu.edu/ If they ask for a sponsor, find the netID of your professor you're researching with. Set up your account with a password and authentication keys.
You will need to build BEAM as a JAR through Gradle. See down below. You will not be able to use IntelliJ on the SuperComputer, so you will need to use a FatJar, which includes all packages in the JAR.
You will need a few extra files: the common folder (test/input/common), the dtd folder (test/input/dtd) and the scenario folder (test/input/beamville).
Your files should be positioned like this:
folder name
- test
- input
- beamville (or the scenario you're running)
- common
- dtd
- input
- beam jar
- test
folder name
Once you have your files positioned, secure-copy your files to the SuperComputer. Open a terminal like Windows Powershell or a Linux Terminal:
- Navigate to your file that contains the jar and test folder. Hint: "cd .\folder"
- Use the command "scp -r ./ your_username@ssh.rc.byu.edu:/fslhome/your_username"
- Type in your password and verification code according to the terminal prompts.
Login to the SuperComputer.
- Go to https://viz.rc.byu.edu:3443/
- This is a desktop interface for the SuperComputer.
- Start a new session by clicking on the blue + button on the left side of the screen.
- Click "Cinnamon" and "Launch".
- You're now viewing a graphical interface for the SuperComputer you're going to run scenarios on.
- Go to https://viz.rc.byu.edu:3443/
Write the Slurm Script to run your Jar.
- Slurm is how your job gets allocated resources. You need to build a .sh script for it.
- In your Home Directory in the SuperComputer, type vim nameOfScript.sh
- For the first half of your script, go to https://rc.byu.edu/documentation/slurm/script-generator
- In the parameters section, put in what resources you will need.
- Example:
- This will generate the first half of your script. Copy and paste it into the .sh file you created. Be sure to familiarize yourself with vim commands.
- For the second half of your script, you will need to:
- Load some modules. Type on separate lines:
- module purge
- module load java
- module list
- Type the command to get into your scenario's file directory
- Example: cd beamville
- Otherwise, your script won't be able to access the jar.
- Type the command "java -jar -Xmx8g .\build\libs\beam-0.8.0-all.jar --config test/input/beamville/beam.conf"
- Xmx8g = 8 GB. Bigger scenarios will 100% need more RAM.
- --config is directed at the beamville config. Adjust for your scenario's config.
- Load some modules. Type on separate lines:
Run the script with some additional commands to view log output in the terminal.
- sbatch shell_script.sh // This runs your script
- You will see "Submitted batch job ##########"
- tail -f slurm-######## //This puts your script log into the terminal
- Make sure the slurm file that you put in this command aligns with the batch job ID you just saw.
- sbatch shell_script.sh // This runs your script
Zip the created outputfiles.
- Use the command "7z a outputs.7z output/*"