My handwritten summaries for lectures I attended during my Bachelor and Master studies at KIT.
- Analysetechniken für große Datenbestände 1 (German)
- Winterterm 2019/20, Prof. Böhm
- Bioinformatics for Computer Scientists (English)
- Winterterm 2019/20, Prof. Stamatakis
- Biologisch motivierte Robotersysteme (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Dr. Rönnau
- Cognitive Systems (German)
- Summerterm 2018, Prof. Dillman, Prof. Waibel
- Computer Engineering (German)
- Summerterm 2016 and Winterterm 2016/17
- Computergraphics (incomplete!, German)
- Winterterm 2018/19, Prof. Dachsbacher
- Computer Vision for Human Computer Interaction (German)
- Winterterm 2020/21, Prof. Stiefelhagen
- Database Systems (German)
- Summerterm 2017, Prof. Böhm
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Prof. Stiefelhagen
- Distributed Computing (English)
- Winterterm 2019/20, Prof. Streit
- Echtzeitsysteme (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Prof. Längle
- Gehirn und zentrales Nervensystem (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Prof. Spetzger
- Genetics (German)
- Winterterm 2021/22, Prof. Kämper
- Grundlagen der Biologie (German)
- Winterterm 2020/21, Prof. Bastmeyer, Prof. Kämper, Prof. Nick
- Introduction in Computer Networks (German)
- Summerterm 2018, Prof. Zitterbart
- Linear Algebra (German)
- Winterterm 2016/17 and Summerterm 2017, Prof. Leuzinger, Dr. Link
- Machine learning for natural sciences
- Summerterm 2021, Prof. Friederich
- Mechano-Informatics and Robotics (English)
- Winterterm 2018/19, Prof. Asfour
- Medical Robotics (German)
- Summerterm 2018
- Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Prof. Beigl
- Molecular Biology (German)
- Winterterm 2021/22, Prof. Requena Sanchez
- Numerical Mathematics (German)
- Summerterm 2017, Dr. Weiß
- Operating Systems (German)
- Winterterm 2017/18, Prof. Reiser
- Parallel Computer Systems and Parallel Programming (German)
- Summerterm 2019, Prof. Streit
- Programming Paradigms (Cheat-Sheets only, German)
- Winterterm 2017/18, Prof. Snelting
- Rechnerstrukturen (German)
- Summerterm 2020, Prof. Karl
- Robotics 1 (German)
- Summerterm 2018, Prof. Asfour
- Software Engineering 1 (German)
- Design Patterns
- Summerterm 2017, Prof. Tichy
- Software Engineering 2 (German)
- Design Patterns
- Winterterm 2019/20, Prof. Reussner