The calculations behind Available in JS/TS.
Note: Complete documentation to follow in the coming weeks.
Create a fluid type scale between two widths, sizes and scales. Set the number of positive and negative steps, and whether you want the scale to be relative to the viewport
or the container
If any step in the type scale fails WCAG SC 1.4.4, the viewports where the step fails to be zoomable to 200% are returned in wcagViolation
type UtopiaTypeConfig = {
minWidth: number;
maxWidth: number;
minFontSize: number;
maxFontSize: number;
minTypeScale: number;
maxTypeScale: number;
negativeSteps?: number;
positiveSteps?: number;
relativeTo?: UtopiaRelativeTo;
labelStyle?: UtopiaLabelStyle;
type UtopiaStep = {
step: number;
label: string;
minFontSize: number;
maxFontSize: number;
wcagViolation: {
from: number;
to: number;
} | null;
clamp: string;
calculateTypeScale(config: UtopiaTypeConfig): UtopiaStep[];
minWidth: 320,
maxWidth: 1240,
minFontSize: 18,
maxFontSize: 20,
minTypeScale: 1.2,
maxTypeScale: 1.25,
positiveSteps: 5,
negativeSteps: 2
// [
// {
// step: 5,
// label: '5',
// minFontSize: 44.79,
// maxFontSize: 61.04,
// wcagViolation: 1200,
// clamp: 'clamp(2.7994rem, 2.4461rem + 1.7663vw, 3.815rem)',
// }
// ...
// ]
Create a set of fluid spaces from min/max width/base sizes, and a number of positive/negative multipliers. Fluid spaces & one-up pairs are automatically created, and custom pairs can be created by supplying the keys you wish to interpolate between. Clamp provided in rem
and px
type UtopiaSpaceConfig = {
minWidth: number;
maxWidth: number;
minSize: number;
maxSize: number;
negativeSteps?: number[];
positiveSteps?: number[];
customSizes?: string[];
relativeTo?: UtopiaRelativeTo;
type UtopiaSize = {
label: string;
minSize: number;
maxSize: number;
clamp: string;
clampPx: string;
type UtopiaSpaceScale = {
sizes: UtopiaSize[];
oneUpPairs: UtopiaSize[];
customPairs: UtopiaSize[];
calculateSpaceScale(config: UtopiaSpaceConfig): UtopiaSpaceScale;
minWidth: 320,
maxWidth: 1240,
minSize: 18,
maxSize: 20,
positiveSteps: [1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6],
negativeSteps: [0.75, 0.5, 0.25],
customSizes: ['s-l', '2xl-4xl']
// {
// sizes: [
// {
// label: 's',
// minSize: 18,
// maxSize: 20,
// clamp: 'clamp(1.125rem, 1.0815rem + 0.2174vw, 1.25rem)',
// clampPx: 'clamp(18px, 17.034px + 0.2174vw, 20rem)'
// },
// ...
// ],
// oneUpPairs: [...],
// customPairs: [...],
// }
Generate a single clamp calculation from a min/max width & size. Default to using rem
and vi
but this can be overriden to use px
and cqi
type UtopiaClampConfig = {
minWidth: number;
maxWidth: number;
minSize: number;
maxSize: number;
usePx?: boolean;
relativeTo?: UtopiaRelativeTo;
calculateClamp(UtopiaClampConfig): string;
minWidth: 320,
maxWidth: 1240,
minSize: 16,
maxSize: 48,
// clamp(...)
Generate multiple clamps from a single set of min/max widths. Supply an array of number pairs to interpolate between.
type UtopiaClampsConfig = {
minWidth: number;
maxWidth: number;
pairs: [number, number][];
usePx?: boolean;
relativeTo?: UtopiaRelativeTo;
type UtopiaClamp = {
label: string;
clamp: string;
calculateClamps(config: UtopiaClampsConfig): UtopiaClamp[]
minWidth: 320,
maxWidth: 1240,
pairs: [
[16, 48],
[32, 40]
// [
// {
// label: '16-48',
// clamp: 'clamp(...)',
// },
// ...