rVASP v1.0.4
This fixes some bugs discovered with the rVASP identity validation and pending messages sent on async transfers.
- rVASPs now check that the identity payload contains a valid Beneficiary and BeneficiaryVASP (ivms NaturalPerson and LegalPerson) on SyncRequire
- rVASPs populate the received_at, received_by, message, and transaction fields in the returned Pending message on the AsyncRepair and AsyncReject policies
The rVASP tool is a binary command line application that is used to run and
communicate with "robot VASPs" services for the purposes of demonstrating and
testing sending and receiving transactions using the TRISA InterVASP protocol. This
is mainly intended to be used by TRISA implementers to test integration with the
TRISA TestNet. Full usage documentation is available at