Hi 👋, I’m @trippshelnutt
🎯 My main repositories...
- trippshelnutt.com-astro
- Project for https://trippshelnutt.com
- My landing site with information about myself and resume
- Using Astro, Tailwind CSS, Netlify
- transaction-sorter-v2
- Utility website that I use to call a 3rd party API and view data
- Using C#, WebAPI, XUnit for the backend
- Using JavaScript, React, MUI, Jest for the frontend
- Using GitHub actions for CI/CD
- Using AWS for hosting
- mancala
- I'm building the mancala game as a website
- Just getting starting on this one
👀 I’m interested in...
- Various programming languages
- Katas
🌱 I’m currently learning...
- Machine Learning
- Mathematics
📫 How to reach me...