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ErisDS edited this page Oct 1, 2014 · 5 revisions

Submitting an Issue

Steps to perform before submitting an issue:

  • Confirm source of issue is from Ghost core and not caused by a plugin or theme
  • Confirm you are running the latest version of Ghost
    • do a git pull --all (or use the Ghost pull script to see exactly what changed in your pull)
  • Search the issue queue first

When raising an issue, please follow the contributing guide, which also has a template that you can use & a link which will automatically create an issue with the barebones template.

Checkout GitHub Pull Request Locally

If you need to test a PR, see this handy guide on the dev blog:

git pull script

I (Andy Boutte) use this script instead of a git pull --all mainly so that it will generate the github compare URL for me. Once the github compare url is generated I open that up and see if any of the commits are big issues that are worth taking a look at.


#move into the right ghost directory
cd /var/www/master.ghost

#git commit hash of most current commit pre pull
prepullhash=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD | awk '{print substr($0,1,7)}'`

#close all screen sessions
screen -S master -X quit
#screen -S weekly -X quit
#screen -S nightly -X quit

#stash all changed files (ie config.js I have modified but I want to make sure I get the most up to date version)
git stash

#pull changes from github
git pull --all

#git commit hash of most current commit post pull
postpullhash=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD | awk '{print substr($0,1,7)}'`

#run upgrades
npm install
sleep 2
git submodule update
sleep 2
sleep 2
grunt init
sleep 2

#start new screen sessions for each site
screen -S master -d -m npm start

#echo out some empty lines so I can see compare URL
printf "\n\n\n\n"

#generate GitHub Compare URL
echo $compareurl

#echo out some empty lines so I can see compare URL
printf "\n\n\n\n"