ASCII Art Bullet Hell
- All components of game are ASCII
- For phone/PC
- Single life, game over on bullet collision
- Scoring based on path and level completion
- Paths and bullet patterns generated at level initialization
- Player character customizer
- Arrow keys
- E is start
- Q is pause/quit
- F is fire
- X is slow time
- UDP console output
- console udp input
- image to ascii conversion
- player movement
- start and game over menus
- player lives
- time slow down charges
- enemies
- player fire and kill enemies
- score from firing
- Convert to server?
- Maybe define control keys on game (not level) start?
- Some sort of level generation
- high scores
- clean up slow downs and fine tune gameplay
- Run the ASCIHellConsole visual studio project
- Resize window as necessary
- Play!
- Run the ASCIIHellViewer visual studio project
- Resize window as necessary
- Play!