This package enables R programmers to access to a tranSMART installation via its RESTful API. Usually this involves authentication with the tranSMART installation. The package has built-in functionality for obtaining an authentication token.
The protobuf
and its accompanying c implementation package need to be installed on the machine.
The Protocol Buffers must be at version 2.2.0 or newer and can be installed either via the distribution
package manager.
# apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-c-compiler
# yum install protobuf-compiler protobuf protobuf-devel
Or install it from source with one of the packages available at
Windows users might need to install the curl
package from
The package can be installed directly from github using the devtools
or by following the instructions in bin/installCommands.R
The demo/demoCommands.R
file contains a short demo of how to connect to tranSMART and how
to retrieve data from it.
The bin/devCommands.R
file contains some pointers that might be useful to anyone interested
in developing on this package.
In order to contribute a patch, follow the instructions given in
And: thanks for considering contributing!