Theme for WordPress
Theme Name: Appeal
Theme URI:
Description: Appeal features a pull-quote block in the main content to display a short teaser. Pullquote uses the theme editor "excerpt" that is activated from "Screen Options" admin menu in upper right. Layouts show three columns on desktop sizes. For tablets, two columns at top with one at bottom. One column for mobile and small devices. Gravatar is screen-reader friendly and Author link, next to Gravatar in post title, uses its own menu to add author social and promotional links. Author page template and author modal. Theme has two blank banners that can be populated with widgets. Options: Set pullquote word-length and width; Set post excerpt length; Set Header color or image; Change background color of page, content area, footer and sidebars; Remove or show titles; Upload logo to top; Upload header image and change link colors; Demo is at
Author: Larry Judd Oliver
Author URI:
Version: 1.0.3
Text Domain: appeal
Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, translation-ready, right-sidebar, footer-widgets, full-width-template
License: GPL 3
License URI: