A dead simple JS validation library inspired by Laravel rules.
npm i valid8tor --save
Valid8tor takes an object (the data) and validate using set of rules define in object containing the same keys and validation rules. Example:
import { validate, validateSync } from 'valid8tor';
// You can combine several rules
const rules = {
firstname: 'required|alpha_dash|min:3',
lastname: 'alpha_dash|nullable',
email: 'required|email',
jobs: 'array|min:1|max:5',
website: 'required|url',
const data = {
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Doe',
email: '[email protected]',
jobs: ['Web Developer', 'Traveler', 'Lifehacker'],
website: 'https://askthomas.co.uk',
validate(data, rules).then(() => {
// data is valid
}).catch((errors) => {
// not valid
// Or if you want synchronous validation
validateSync(data, rules) // => Will return either [] or example: [{ field: 'firstname', error: 'The firstname field is required' }]
valid8tor provides 3 functions:
validate(dataObj, rulesObj)
Validate an object for a given set of rules and return a promise.validateSync(dataObj, rulesObj)
Validate and object and return an array of error or empty array if the data is valid.isValid(dataObj, rulesObj)
Validate the object and returntrue
if valid or not.
Rule | Description |
required |
Make sure a value is defined. |
nullable |
Accept a value as null or undefined. |
min:3 |
String Check that string has minimum length (3 characters in this example). Number: Check that a number is at least equal to 3. Array: Check that an array has at leat 3 elements. |
max:10 |
String: Check that string has a maximum length (10 characters in this example). Number: Check that a number is at 10 at max. Array: Check that an array has at max 10 elements. |
size:5 |
String: Check that the length of the string is equal to 5 (in the example). Array Check that the size of an array is equal to 5. |
between:1,5 |
Number Check that a number is in the interval (inclusive). Array: Check that an array has a number at least one and at max 5 elements (in this example). String: Check that the length of the string is in that interval |
email |
Check that a value is a correct email address. |
url |
Check that a value is a valid a URL (http or https only for now) |
ip |
Check that a value is a valid IP v4 address |
ipv6 |
Check that a value is a valid IP v6 address |
alpha |
Check that the value only contains alphabetic characters (a to z and A to Z) |
alpha_dash |
Check that the value only contains alphabetic characters, hyphens and underscores (a-z, A-Z, - and _ ) |
alpha_num |
Check that the value only contains alphabetic characters, hyphens and underscores (a-z, A-Z and 0-9 ) |
alphanum_dash |
Check that the value only contains alphabetic characters, numbers, hyphens and underscores (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ ) |
integer |
Check that the value is an integer (positive, negative, null and 0x0) |
decimal |
Check that the value is a decimal (positive, negative or null) |
numeric |
Check that the value is numeric (not null, not decimal) |
base64 |
Check that the value is base64 format |
array |
Check that the value is an array (empty or not) |
accepted |
Check acceptance, example when you have terms and conditions, etc. This rule accept: 1 , true , yes and on . |
string |
Check that the value is a string |
boolean |
Check that value is a boolean |
date |
Check that the value is a Date or a moment instance. |
after |
Coming soon |
after_or_equal |
Coming soon |
before |
Coming soon |
before_or_equal |
Coming soon |
Testing with Mocha:
npm run test
You can use dev.js as a playground using Parcel
parcel index.html
To do
- Allow override of error messages
- Allow to pass a object containing custom validation functions
- Add Date/time related rules (after, before, etc)
- Add more tests