TAMkin is a post-processing toolkit for normal mode analysis, thermochemistry and reaction kinetics. It uses a Hessian computation from a standard computational chemistry program as its input. CHARMM, CP2K, CPMD, GAMESS, GAUSSIAN, QCHEM and VASP are supported. Multiple methods are implemented to perform a normal mode analysis (NMA). The frequencies from the NMA can be used to construct a molecular partition function to derive thermodynamic and kinetic parameters.
More information about TAMkin can be found on the CMM Software website: http://molmod.ugent.be/software/
TAMkin is distributed as open source software under the conditions of the GPL license version 3. Read the file COPYING for more details, or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
TAMkin can be installed with pip (system wide or in a virtual environment):
pip install numpy Cython
pip install tamkin
Alternatively, you can install TAMkin in your home directory:
pip install numpy Cython --user
pip install tamkin --user
Lastly, you can also install TAMkin with conda. (See https://www.continuum.io/downloads)
conda install -c tovrstra tamkin
The tests can be executed as follows:
nosetests tamkin