Redmine plugin for misc wiki macros
clone this repository in plugins directory and restart redmine.
Compatible: Redmine 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x
Link to custom query by id.
Usage: {{query_link(text, query_id)}}
- text: hyper link text to issue custome query on wiki page
- query_id: custom query id to be linked
Link to custom query gantt chart by id.
Usage: {{query_link_gantt(text, query_id, year=2019, month=12, months=6, zoom=3)}}
- Required
- text: hyper link text to gantt of issues custome query on wiki page
- query_id: custom query id to be linked
- Optional
- year: start year
- month: start month
- months: term by month
- zoom: [1-4], zoom level of dates