##Using Grooveshark Quick example how to find a song and play it using Grooveshark
var groove = new Lazy<IGroovesharkClient>(() => new GroovesharkClientWrapper());
var songProvider = new GroovesharkSongProvider(groove);
var songPlayer = new GroovesharkSongPlayer(groove);
.GetSongs("Your Favorite Artist", CancellationToken.None)
.ContinueWith(queryTask => songPlayer.Start(queryTask.Result.First()));
##Using Spotify Spotify is a bit more complex. The song player is in a separate process to make it possible to run the main app as x64 and to isolate possible crashes.
var spotifyPlayerHost = new TorshifyServerProcessHandler();
spotifyPlayerHost.TorshifyServerLocation = "TRock.Music.Torshify.Server.exe";
spotifyPlayerHost.UserName = "YourSpotifyUserName";
spotifyPlayerHost.Password = "YourSpotifyPassword";
var songProvider = new SpotifySongProvider(new TorshifyImageProvider());
var songPlayer = new TorshifySongPlayerClient(new Uri("http://localhost:8081"));
songPlayer.Connect().ContinueWith(connectTask =>
.GetSongs("Your Favorite Artist", CancellationToken.None)
.ContinueWith(queryTask =>
##Using both at the same time If you want to use both Grooveshark and Spotify at the same time, you can place them in the AggregateSongProvider and AggregateSongPlayer
var aggregateSongProvider = new AggregateSongProvider(groovesharkSongProvider, spotifySongProvider);
var aggregateSongPlayer = new AggregateSongPlayer(groovesharkSongPlayer, spotifySongPlayer);
.GetSongs("Your Favorite Artist", CancellationToken.None)
.ContinueWith(queryTask =>
##Caching search results By wrapping a song provider in the CachedSongProvider, recent search results will be cached to provide quick response times when navigating backwards in the UI
var cachedSongProvider = new CachedSongProvider(aggregateSongProvider);
cachedSongProvider.SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
.GetSongs("Your Favorite Artist", CancellationToken.None)
.ContinueWith(queryTask =>