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Terraform Azure DevOps virtual machine scale set agent module

A getting started, simple standalone example of using the module can be found in the ado-vmss-simple-demo repository.


This Terraform module will create an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set in Azure and an associated Azure virtual machine scale set agent pool in Azure DevOps.

It is an abstraction over two child modules:

The child modules can be used separately if required.

This brings the functionality together in an all in one module with a number of examples that demonstrate how the module and VMSS can be used within Azure DevOps for self-hosted agents. The default behaviour is that the VMSS instances will be configured as Docker hosts, but that can be disabled if desired by setting the vmss_custom_data_script variable to null. Alternatively, supplying a base64 encoded value for vmss_custom_data_data, which overrides the vmss_custom_data_script variable.

Once the Azure DevOps Terraform provider has been updated to use an updated SDK we can use that to replace the workaround of using the Terraform Azure DevOps Scale Set Agent module.


Currently, due to the fact that creating an Agent Pool - Azure virtual machine scale set is currently blocked because the SDK used by the Azure DevOps Terraform Provider does not support the required functionality, this module uses the Terraform shell provider as a workaround. Therefore, it inherits most of the requirements of the Terraform Azure DevOps Scale Set Agent module module, namely:

  • An Azure subscription. Note: you can get started with a Azure free account

  • An Azure DevOps Organization. Note: you can sign up for free in the preceding link.

  • An Azure service connection to the subscription where your Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set is located.

  • An Azure DevOps project.

  • An Azure DevOps Personal Access Token(PAT) created with at least Agent Pools (Read & manage) and Service Connections (Read & query) permissions (some examples will need more extensive permissions)

  • A Linux based system is required to execute this Terraform module, with the following commands installed:

    • cat
    • curl
    • sed
    • jq

The Azure DevOps PAT and other required variables need be passed to the Terraform configuration by any standard mechanism, for example:

 export AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT="ckusfcc8ope2soot1yuovmdvlgtfgj9nio2orfwyvv5jsgcnwwga"
export TF_VAR_ado_ext_pat="$AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT"

Note: The PAT is used for the initial creation of the agent pool and for subsequent Terraform operations. Therefore, it would be advisable to create/use a service account for this rather than a standard user account.

A full example of passing the necessary variables can be seen in the demo_environment/

Basic example

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

provider "shell" {
  sensitive_environment = {
    AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT = var.ado_ext_pat

data "azurerm_subnet" "agents" {
  name                 = var.vmss_subnet_name
  resource_group_name  = var.vmss_resource_group_name
  virtual_network_name = var.vmss_vnet_name

module "terraform-azurerm-vmss-devops-agent" {
  source                   = "tonyskidmore/vmss-devops-agent/azurerm"
  version                  = "0.2.6"
  ado_org                  = var.ado_org
  ado_pool_name            = var.ado_pool_name
  ado_project              = var.ado_project
  ado_service_connection   = var.ado_service_connection
  vmss_admin_password      = var.vmss_admin_password
  vmss_name                = var.vmss_name
  vmss_resource_group_name = var.vmss_resource_group_name
  vmss_subnet_id           =
  vmss_custom_data_script  = var.vmss_custom_data_script
  tags                     = var.tags


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
ado_dirty Azure DevOps pool settings are dirty bool false no
ado_org Azure DevOps Organization name string n/a yes
ado_pool_auth_all_pipelines Setting to determine if all pipelines are authorized to use this TaskAgentPool by default (at create only) string "True" no
ado_pool_auto_provision_projects Setting to automatically provision TaskAgentQueues in every project for the new pool (at create only) string "True" no
ado_pool_desired_idle Number of machines to have ready waiting for jobs number 0 no
ado_pool_desired_size The desired size of the pool number 0 no
ado_pool_max_capacity Maximum number of machines that will exist in the elastic pool number 2 no
ado_pool_max_saved_node_count Keep machines in the pool on failure for investigation number 0 no
ado_pool_name Azure DevOps agent pool name string "azdo-vmss-pool-001" no
ado_pool_os_type Operating system type of the nodes in the pool string "linux" no
ado_pool_recycle_after_use Discard machines after each job completes bool false no
ado_pool_sizing_attempts The number of sizing attempts executed while trying to achieve a desired size number 0 no
ado_pool_ttl_mins The minimum time in minutes to keep idle agents alive number 15 no
ado_project Azure DevOps project name where service connection exists and optionally where pool will only be created string n/a yes
ado_project_only Only create the agent pool in the Azure DevOps pool specified? (at create only) string "False" no
ado_service_connection Azure DevOps azure service connection name string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to Azure Virtual Machine Scale map(string) {} no
vmss_admin_password Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set instance administrator password string null no
vmss_admin_username Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set instance administrator name string "adminuser" no
vmss_custom_data_data The base64 encoded data to use as custom data for the VMSS instances string null no
vmss_custom_data_script The path to the script that will be base64 encoded custom data for the VMSS instances string "scripts/cloud-init/cloud-init" no
vmss_data_disks Additional data disks
caching = string
create_option = string
disk_size_gb = string
lun = number
storage_account_type = string
[] no
vmss_disk_size_gb The Size of the Internal OS Disk in GB, if you wish to vary from the size used in the image this Virtual Machine Scale Set is sourced from number null no
vmss_encryption_at_host_enabled Should all of the disks (including the temp disk) attached to this Virtual Machine be encrypted by enabling Encryption at Host? bool false no
vmss_identity_ids Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set list(string) null no
vmss_identity_type Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set string null no
vmss_instances Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set number of instances number 0 no
vmss_load_balancer_backend_address_pool_ids A list of Backend Address Pools IDs from a Load Balancer which this Virtual Machine Scale Set should be connected to list(string) null no
vmss_location Existing resource group name of where the VMSS will be created string "uksouth" no
vmss_name Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set name string "azdo-vmss-pool-001" no
vmss_os Whether to process the Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set resource string "linux" no
vmss_os_disk_caching The Type of Caching which should be used for the Internal OS Disk string "ReadOnly" no
vmss_os_disk_storage_account_type The Type of Storage Account which should back this the Internal OS Disk string "StandardSSD_LRS" no
vmss_resource_group_name Existing resource group name of where the VMSS will be created string n/a yes
vmss_resource_prefix Prefix to apply to VMSS resources string "vmss" no
vmss_se_enabled Whether to process the Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set extension resource bool false no
vmss_se_settings_data The base64 encoded data to use as the script for the VMSS custom script extension string null no
vmss_se_settings_script The path of the file to use as the script for the VMSS custom script extension string "scripts/" no
vmss_sku Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set SKU string "Standard_B2s" no
vmss_source_image_id Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Image ID string null no
vmss_source_image_offer Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Source Image Offer string "0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal" no
vmss_source_image_publisher Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Source Image Publisher string "Canonical" no
vmss_source_image_sku Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Source Image SKU string "20_04-lts" no
vmss_source_image_version Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Source Image Version string "latest" no
vmss_ssh_public_key Public key to use for SSH access to VMs string "" no
vmss_storage_account_uri VMSS boot diagnostics storage account URI string null no
vmss_subnet_id Existing subnet ID of where the VMSS will be connected string n/a yes
vmss_user_data The base64 encoded data to use as user data for the VMSS instances string null no
vmss_zones A collection of availability zones to spread the Virtual Machines over list(string) [] no


Name Description
ado_vmss_pool_output Azure DevOps VMSS Agent Pool output
vmss_id Virtual Machine Scale Set ID
vmss_system_assigned_identity_id Virtual Machine Scale Set SystemAssigned Identity
vmss_user_assigned_identity_ids Virtual Machine Scale Set UserAssigned Identities


No providers.

Known issues

  • Running a terrform destroy while pipelines are running will result in an error. If pipelines are expected to be running then it is best to disable agents and then run the destroy. Although, re-running the destroy should subsequently work after an error when pipelines are not running.


Terraform Azure DevOps virtual machine scale set agent module







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