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Tonder SDK

Tonder SDK helps to integrate the services Tonder offers in your own website

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Configuration Options
  4. Styling InlineCheckout
  5. Payment Data Structure
  6. Field Validation Functions
  7. API Reference
  8. Examples
  9. License


You can install the Tonder SDK using NPM or by including it via a script tag.

NPM Installation

npm i tonder-web-sdk

Script Tag Installation

<script src=""></script>


Add dependencies to the root of the app (index.html)

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>



InlineCheckout provides a pre-built, customizable checkout interface.

HTML Setup

You need to have an element where the inline checkout will be mounted. This should be a DIV element with the ID "tonder-checkout":

  <div id="tonder-checkout"></div>

JavaScript Implementation

import { InlineCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk"; // Not required if using script tag
// if using script tag, it should be initialized like this
// new TonderSdk.InlineCheckout
const inlineCheckout = new InlineCheckout({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",
  returnUrl: "",
  styles: customStyles, // Optional, see Styling section

// The configureCheckout function allows you to set initial information,
// such as the customer's email, which is used to retrieve a list of saved cards.
inlineCheckout.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

// Inject the checkout into the DOM

// To verify a 3ds transaction you can use the following method
// It should be called after the injectCheckout method
// The response status will be one of the following
// ['Declined', 'Cancelled', 'Failed', 'Success', 'Pending', 'Authorized']

inlineCheckout.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
  console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);
// Process a payment
const response = await inlineCheckout.payment(checkoutData);


LiteCheckout allows you to build a custom checkout interface using Tonder's core functionality.

import { LiteCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk";
const liteCheckout = new LiteCheckout({
  apiKey: "your-api-key", // Your api key getted from Tonder Dashboard
  returnUrl: "",

// The configureCheckout function allows you to set initial information,
// such as the customer's email, which is used to retrieve a list of saved cards.
inlineCheckout.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

// Initialize the checkout
await liteCheckout.injectCheckout();
// Retrieve customer's saved cards
const cards = await liteCheckout.getCustomerCards();
// Save a new card
const newCard = await liteCheckout.saveCustomerCard(cardData);
// Remove a saved card
await liteCheckout.removeCustomerCard(cardId);
// Get available payment methods
const paymentMethods = await liteCheckout.getCustomerPaymentMethods();
// Process a payment
const paymentResponse = await liteCheckout.payment(paymentData);
// Verify a 3DS transaction
const verificationResult = await liteCheckout.verify3dsTransaction();

Configuration Options

Both InlineCheckout and LiteCheckout accept the following configuration options:

Property Type Description
mode string Environment mode. Options: 'stage', 'production', 'sandbox'. Default: 'stage'
apiKey string Your API key from the Tonder Dashboard
returnUrl string URL where the checkout form is mounted (used for 3DS)
styles object (InlineCheckout only) Custom styles for the checkout interface
customization object Object to customize the checkout behavior and UI. Default value {saveCards: {showSaved: true, showSaveCardOption: true, autoSave: false}}
customization.saveCards.showSaved boolean Show saved cards in the checkout UI. Default value: true
customization.saveCards.showSaveCardOption object Show the option to save the card for future payments. Default value: true
customization.saveCards.autoSave object Automatically save the card without showing the option to the user. Default value: false

Styling InlineCheckout

You can customize the appearance of InlineCheckout by passing a styles object:

const customStyles = {
  inputStyles: {
    base: {
      border: "1px solid #e0e0e0",
      padding: "10px 7px",
      borderRadius: "5px",
      color: "#1d1d1d",
      marginTop: "2px",
      backgroundColor: "white",
      fontFamily: '"Inter", sans-serif',
      fontSize: "16px",
      "&::placeholder": {
        color: "#ccc",
    cardIcon: {
      position: "absolute",
      left: "6px",
      bottom: "calc(50% - 12px)",
    complete: {
      color: "#4caf50",
    empty: {},
    focus: {},
    invalid: {
      border: "1px solid #f44336",
    global: {
  labelStyles: {
    base: {
      fontSize: "12px",
      fontWeight: "500",
      fontFamily: '"Inter", sans-serif',
  errorTextStyles: {
    base: {
      fontSize: "12px",
      fontWeight: "500",
      color: "#f44336",
      fontFamily: '"Inter", sans-serif',
  labels: {
    nameLabel: "Card Holder Name",
    cardLabel: "Card Number",
    cvvLabel: "CVC/CVV",
    expiryDateLabel: "Expiration Date",
  placeholders: {
    namePlaceholder: "Name as it appears on the card",
    cardPlaceholder: "1234 1234 1234 1234",
    cvvPlaceholder: "3-4 digits",
    expiryMonthPlaceholder: "MM",
    expiryYearPlaceholder: "YY",

Payment Data Structure

When calling the payment method, use the following data structure:

Field Descriptions

  • customer: Object containing the customer's personal information to be registered in the transaction.

  • cart: Object containing the total amount and an array of items to be registered in the Tonder order.

    • total: The total amount of the transaction.
    • items: An array of objects, each representing a product or service in the order.
      • name: name of the product
      • price_unit: valid float string with the price of the product
      • quantity: valid integer string with the quantity of this product
  • currency: String representing the currency code for the transaction (e.g., "MXN" for Mexican Peso).

  • metadata: Object for including any additional information about the transaction. This can be used for internal references or tracking.

  • card: (for LiteCheckout) Object containing card information. This is used differently depending on whether it's a new card or a saved card:

    • For a new card: Include card_number, cvv, expiration_month, expiration_year, and cardholder_name.
    • For a saved card: Include only the skyflow_id of the saved card.
    • This is only used when not paying with a payment_method.
  • payment_method: (for LiteCheckout) String indicating the alternative payment method to be used (e.g., "Spei"). This is only used when not paying with a card.

Note: The exact fields required may vary depending on whether you're using InlineCheckout or LiteCheckout, and the specific payment method being used.

const paymentData = {
  customer: {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    country: "USA",
    address: "123 Main St",
    city: "Anytown",
    state: "CA",
    postCode: "12345",
    email: "[email protected]",
    phone: "1234567890",
  cart: {
    total: "100.00",
    items: [
        description: "Product description",
        quantity: 1,
        price_unit: "100.00",
        discount: "0.00",
        taxes: "0.00",
        product_reference: "PROD123",
        name: "Product Name",
        amount_total: "100.00",
  currency: "MXN",
  metadata: {
    order_id: "ORDER123",
  // For Lite checkout
  card: {
    // For a new card:
    card_number: "4111111111111111",
    cvv: "123",
    expiration_month: "12",
    expiration_year: "25",
    cardholder_name: "John Doe",
    // Or for a saved card:
    skyflow_id: "saved-card-id",
  // For Lite checkout
  payment_method: "Spei",

Field Validation Functions

For LiteCheckout implementations, the SDK provides validation functions to ensure the integrity of card data before submitting:

  • validateCardNumber(cardNumber): Validates the card number using the Luhn algorithm.
  • validateCardholderName(name): Checks if the cardholder name is valid.
  • validateCVV(cvv): Ensures the CVV is in the correct format.
  • validateExpirationDate(expirationDate): Validates the expiration date in MM/YY format.
  • validateExpirationMonth(month): Checks if the expiration month is valid.
  • validateExpirationYear(year): Validates the expiration year.

Example usage:

import {
} from "tonder-web-sdk";

const cardNumber = "4111111111111111";
const cardholderName = "John Doe";
const cvv = "123";
const expirationDate = "12/25";

if (
  validateCardNumber(cardNumber) &&
  validateCardholderName(cardholderName) &&
  validateCVV(cvv) &&
) {
  // Proceed with payment
} else {
  // Show error message

API Reference

InlineCheckout Methods

  • configureCheckout(data): Set initial checkout data
  • injectCheckout(): Inject the checkout interface into the DOM
  • payment(data): Process a payment
  • verify3dsTransaction(): Verify a 3DS transaction

LiteCheckout Methods

  • configureCheckout(data): Set initial checkout data
  • injectCheckout(): Initialize the checkout
  • getCustomerCards(): Retrieve saved cards
  • saveCustomerCard(cardData): Save a new card
  • removeCustomerCard(cardId): Remove a saved card
  • getCustomerPaymentMethods(): Get available payment methods
  • payment(data): Process a payment
  • verify3dsTransaction(): Verify a 3DS transaction


Here are examples of how to implement Tonder SDK in various JavaScript frameworks:

Vanilla JavaScript

HTML Setup

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Tonder Checkout Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Only if not use npm package   -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="tonder-checkout"></div>
    <button id="pay-button">Pay Now</button>

    <script src="your-script.js"></script>

InlineCheckout Example (your-script.js)

import { InlineCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk";

const apiKey = "your-api-key";
const returnUrl = "";

const inlineCheckout = new InlineCheckout({
  mode: "development",
  styles: customStyles, // Define your custom styles here

inlineCheckout.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

inlineCheckout.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
  console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);

  .addEventListener("click", async function () {
    try {
      const response = await inlineCheckout.payment(checkoutData);
      console.log("Payment response:", response);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Payment error:", error.details);
      alert("Payment failed");

LiteCheckout Example (your-script.js)

import { LiteInlineCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk";

const apiKey = "your-api-key";
const returnUrl = "";

const liteCheckout = new LiteInlineCheckout({
  mode: "development",

liteCheckout.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

liteCheckout.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
  console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);

  .addEventListener("submit", async function (event) {
    const cardData = {
      card_number: document.getElementById("card-number").value,
      cardholder_name: document.getElementById("card-name").value,
      expiration_month: document.getElementById("month").value,
      expiration_year: document.getElementById("year").value,
      cvv: document.getElementById("cvv").value,

    try {
      const paymentData = { ...checkoutData, card: cardData };
      const response = await liteCheckout.payment(paymentData);
      console.log("Payment response:", response);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Payment error:", error);
      alert("Payment failed");

React or Nextjs

For React or Nextjs applications, we recommend using a context provider to manage the Tonder instance across your application.

First, create a TonderProvider:

// TonderProvider.jsx
"use client"; // only for Nextjs
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { InlineCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk";

const TonderContext = createContext();

export const useTonder = () => useContext(TonderContext);

export const TonderProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [tonderInstance, setTonderInstance] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const init = async () => {
      try {
        const inlineCheckout = new InlineCheckout({
          mode: "development",
          apiKey: "your-api-key",
          returnUrl: "",
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error initializing Tonder:", error);

  }, []);

  return (
    <TonderContext.Provider value={tonderInstance}>

Then, create a TonderCheckout component:

// TonderCheckout.jsx
"use client"; // only for Nextjs
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useTonder } from "./TonderProvider";

const TonderCheckout = () => {
  const tonder = useTonder();
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!tonder) return;

    tonder.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

    tonder.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
      console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);

    return () => {
      if (tonder.removeCheckout) {
  }, [tonder]);

  const handlePayment = async () => {
    if (!tonder) return;
    try {
      const response = await tonder.payment(paymentData);
      console.log("Payment successful:", response);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Payment failed:", error);
      alert("Payment failed");
    } finally {

  return (
      <div id="tonder-checkout"></div>
      <button onClick={handlePayment} disabled={loading}>
        {loading ? "Processing..." : "Pay Now"}

export default TonderCheckout;

Finally, use it in your checkout component:

"use client";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useTonder, TonderProvider } from "./TonderProvider";
import Script from "next/script";

export default function TonderCheckout() {
  return (
    <div id="checkout">
        <CheckoutContent />

function CheckoutContent() {
  const tonder = useTonder();
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!tonder) return;
    tonder.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });
    tonder.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
      console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);
    return () => {
      if (tonder.removeCheckout) {
  }, [tonder]);

  const handlePayment = async () => {
    if (!tonder) return;
    try {
      const response = await tonder.payment(paymentData);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      alert("Payment failed");
    } finally {

  return (
      <div id="tonder-checkout"></div>
      <button onClick={handlePayment} disabled={loading}>
        {loading ? "Processing..." : "Pay"}


For Angular, we recommend using a service to manage the Tonder instance:

// tonder.service.ts
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { InlineCheckout } from "tonder-web-sdk";

  providedIn: "root",
export class TonderService {
  private inlineCheckout: InlineCheckout;

  constructor(private sdkParameters: IInlineCheckoutOptions) {

  private initializeInlineCheckout(): void {
    this.inlineCheckout = new InlineCheckout({ ...this.sdkParameters });

  configureCheckout(customerData: IConfigureCheckout): void {
    this.inlineCheckout.configureCheckout({ ...customerData });

  async injectCheckout(): Promise<void> {
    await this.inlineCheckout.injectCheckout();

  verify3dsTransaction(): Promise<ITransaction | void> {
    return this.inlineCheckout.verify3dsTransaction();

  // Add more functions, for example for lite sdk: get payment methods

  // getCustomerPaymentMethods(): Promise<IPaymentMethod[]> {
  //     return this.liteCheckout.getCustomerPaymentMethods();
  // }

// checkout.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
import { TonderService } from "./tonder.service";

  selector: "app-tonder-checkout",
  template: `
    <div id="tonder-checkout"></div>
    <button (click)="pay()" [disabled]="loading">
      {{ loading ? "Processing..." : "Pay" }}
  providers: [
      provide: TonderInlineService,
      // Inicialización del SDK de Tonder Inline
      // Nota: Reemplace estas credenciales con las suyas propias en desarrollo/producción
      useFactory: () =>
        new TonderInlineService({
          apiKey: "11e3d3c3e95e0eaabbcae61ebad34ee5f93c3d27",
          returnUrl: "http://localhost:4200/checkout/payment?tabPayment=0",
          mode: "development",
export class TonderCheckoutComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  loading = false;

  constructor(private tonderService: TonderService) {}

  ngOnInit() {

  ngOnDestroy() {
    // Limpieza del checkout al destruir el componente

  async initCheckout() {
      customer: { email: "[email protected]" },
    await this.tonderService.injectCheckout();
    this.tonderService.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
      console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);

  async pay() {
    this.loading = true;
    try {
      const response = await this.tonderService.payment(paymentData);
      console.log("Payment successful:", response);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Payment failed:", error);
      alert("Payment failed");
    } finally {
      this.loading = false;



  • Replace 'your-api-key', '', customStyles, and paymentData with your actual values.
  • The paymentData should be defined according to your specific requirements.

Script Dependencies

For all implementations, ensure you include the necessary scripts:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Only if not use npm package   -->
<script src=""></script>




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